Chapter XII

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- The Next Day -

3rd Person POV

"Oh my god Craig! You worried us!" Craig's mother hugged him tightly, as his father stand in the distance, feeling the same worry as his mother. "Craig, my son, you have to be more careful okay?" His father said, and all Craig can do is nod. Soon, the door open to reveal Clyde and Token. Clyde start running to him and hug him, "OI, YOU CRAIG FUCKER! WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN?! I MISSED YOU, AND WORRIED SICK!" He said out loud, making some laughs. Craig let out a smile, "I've been busy, but otherwise i'm fine, Clyde." Clyde look at him in the eyes and send kisses to his cheeks, which Craig tried to push him away but failed badly.

"I brought some tacos for you Craig" Clyde said as he get a lunch box fill to the brim with tacos. Craig just look at it, "That's... a lot of tacos." He said, as Clyde nod proudly at himself. "If you hurt yourself again, or disappear without telling us, when I find you, i'll beat you up" Clyde said, and Craig chuckles, "Yes, sir."

"Tweek, you can go home now. You've been here all day and I feel thankful for that, so you can-", "N-No, sir. I-It's okay, I-I don't mind staying here w-with Craig" He said, and Craig felt happy that he decided to stay. Craig's dad, Thomas scratch his head, "I see, thank you son. The doctor said you can check out from the hospital today.", Craig nod, "Okay, dad." His dad and mom left the room and go to the receptionist desk, or meet with the doctor.

It's now Craig and the gang that are in the room. Clyde silently eating tacos, while Token doing homework. Tweek is just beside him, his head lay on his shoulder, making his heart flutter. "Hey Tweek." Craig called, and Tweek look at him closely, and Craig felt his stomach filled with butterflies. "Yes, C-Craig?" He replied, "Do you think, do you want to go and have a sleepover with me? At my house?" Craig ask, and Tweek seemed to be in deep thought and his cheeks start to change to the color red. "If you don't want to, it's oka-", before he could finish, Tweek hush him with his finger to his lips. Craig's cheeks start turning red, and he stayed silent. "Y-You're such an idiot, Craig. I-I haven't even say anything yet. O-Of course I'd loved to have a s-sleepover." He said, and smiled cutely. Craig smiled, and hug him. "Great, it'll be fun with you around." He said, and when he rethink about it, it sounded very wrong and very stupid, yet Tweek doesn't seem to know it which he felt glad for.

"Can we join the sleepover?" Clyde ask, and Craig look at them. Well, he hoped they wouldn't join too, but hey, they are his friends too. "Yes, Clyde. You can join us." Clyde got up and dabbed, "THANK YOU CRAIG!" Clyde yelled, and Craig flip him off.

"I'll be bringing my PS4 to your home, Craig, and maybe a few snacks" Token said, and Craig nodded. The room door opened, to reveal Thomas, "I talked with the doctor, he said you're free to go whenever your ready, son" He said, "Thanks dad".

~ hours later ~

Craig Tucker finally leaves hospital and now on his way back home. The hospital is not far from his house, so this is gonna be a quick ride home. Craig sat in the back seat, while Tweek and Clyde sit on the middle seats and Token is beside him. Craig remain silent while everyone on the car was talking and laughing and having a fun time on their own. Craig was in silent meditative stance and he is kinda confused on what to do afterwards. He read the reports that he was attacked by a group of burglars but in reality it was Tweek. Though, he couldn't tell that it was Tweek, since he helped him to the hospital and a friend. Time sure flies and the car already stopped. Craig is finally home. Craig got out of the car slowly, as if trying not to reopen the wound that just got patched up. He look to his left and see Tweek, carefully guiding him towards the stairs and helped him get inside his room. When he is there, his parents told him that they need to go due to work, and Clyde and Token said that they need to go back home to get the stuff.  Ruby wasn't home, she gone off to visit McCormick's house to play with Karen, Kenny's sister. So, there are only one explanation left remaining:

Before Tweek's leave his room and go back home, he stand in front of him and close and lock the door.

its now or never,  he thought as his heart racing wildly.


"Tweek, I-"

(I think i'll leave that for now ;3. I hope you all like it ^^)

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