Chapter IV

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It was hard, for him.
After all the years being in the little mountain town of South Park, he never ever experience this moment.

Ever since he was a child, he had never ever been into this kind of bizzare scenario. Sure, a lot of people dislike his emotionless expression that seemed like something from a horror movie, and his neverending icy cold and harsh personality which is what makes people hate him or generally dislike him.

But when he finally enter  5th grade when he was still an elementary school student, he met some of the most interesting people he ever met. Clyde Donovan, Token Black, and many more. But those two, Clyde and Token, are the only two friends he held the most.

's funny and idiotic personality which surpises him at all times, makes him happy, and Token coldness and has almost the same personality as him, can be fun and also can be interesting as Clyde's.

He felt happy, meeting these people and he still thankful to this very day. Even though his friendship sometimes breaks bit by bit because of  certain argument and such, but it still held on.

But today. Present tense, he met yet another friend. Not just a friend, but someone closer. emotionally connected. Craig don't care if the person he feels emotionally close with is the same gender, he doesn't care. As long as he is around him, he is happy. But the feeling of telling his newfound friend is what makes him afraid. Restless. He doesn't know if he will accept him and then left him. He doesn't want that, but he can't just wait in the shadows and let someone else take him away. He want him, but the feeling of acceptance is low.

He wanted to tell his new friend how he feels, let his emotions out, but its difficult for him to do. He doesn't want to lose someone he hold this close. He doesn't want to see him marry with another person and not him too.

He can only hope. Hoping that their friendship will last long and when the time is finally right, he will tell him everything he has. Spill out every inch inside his broken and torn apart heart for someone he emotionally connected with.

But for now...

"All I can do now... Is wait."
He said, as his blue eyes look up towards the night sky, with hope in his eyes.

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