Chapter XI

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~ Few Hours Later ~

3rd Person POV

Craig woke up with a shot of pain going up to his head. He hissed and open his eyes, but quickly get blinded by the surrounding light. He reopened them as he getting adjusted with the lighting, when he finally able to see where he is, he was confused. He was  in a room, at first he thought he was at Tweak's coffee shop, but he doesn't know what happens afterwards. His memory are all a blur. When he tried to get up, he felt the same pain again, and it was coming from his stomach area and his shoulder. He looked at them, and then his memories went back into him.


It was his fault. He go inside unnoticed and Tweek think that he is a burglar. He let out a sigh, and then he know where he is now. In a room, everything is all white, well not all. He is in a hospital. He look to his left to see a clock hung up on the wall, on top of the door. 22:31 pm... He thought, he's been out for awhile. When he was out at around 5 am, he encountered Trent, and they we're having a fight in some alley, and he lost.

He was tired and weak at that time, so obviously he lost the match. He can still physically feel the pain from his punches to his face, his stomach, everywhere. Trent has changed throughout the years. He felt something moved on his right, and he feel something... warm.

He looked to his right, and his heart rate goes up. It's Tweek. He felt happiness to see him close like this again, but he knew that it might be bad for his little coffee bean. There could be Trent outside just taking pictures of this without him realizing. He just want to let his emotions out, but he couldn't. Even if he tried to, instantly he will regret it. He look everywhere and tried to move a little, but a hand that lay on his chest pushing him lightly to lay down. Craig froze, and it was Tweek's.

"C-Craig? A-Are you okay?" He called, without opening his eyes, with a worrying voice. Craig's voice got caught in his throat, and after a few seconds later, he replied. "I'm fine, Tweek." He smiled, which makes Craig's heart shatter. Tweek is such a beautiful and kind friend, and he felt happy yet guilty at the same time. He tried to get up, but his hands aren't letting go. "P-Please, s-stay here with me? D-Don't go..."

Craig wants nothing more but to stay, and be here and wrap Tweek in his arms. However, he doesn't also want to see Trent out there taking pictures of this and trying to blackmail him. He is conflicted. He is tired, and doesn't know what to do. He decided to let it all go for now, and wrap his arms around Tweek, and immediately his restlessness wane and he felt really comfortable with him by his side. He felt thankful for this, though at only little time being able to spend his life with someone like Tweek, Token, and Clyde.

His vision start to blur and he felt exhausted, he just let it take him wherever he go, and finally, he rest.

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