Chapter VI

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After waiting for a few minutes, Craig finally enter Tweak's household. The place looks ordinary, but the scent of coffee here is very strong and aromatic. "S-Sorry if too d-dark." Tweek said, apologetically. Craig look at him, kinda triggered by the fact that it's his house and he apologize for doing nothing at all! "Tweek," he paused, letting him to look at Craig. He give him the middle finger, looking away, slightly shy. "Fuck you." Tweek look at him, and frown, "S-Sorry..." he said, with a sad voice. This makes Craig's heart shatter, he didn't mean it that way.

"Sorry Tweek, I didn't mean it like that." He said, with an apologetic voice. Tweek look up, his soft dark brown eyes shines slightly in the dimness. "R-Really?" He asked, sounding like a child. Craig gaze away from him, hoping his cheeks aren't red. "Yeah. Now can we get to work now?", Tweek let out a giggle, which makes Craig's heart beating wildly at his adorableness. "Sure~!" He said as he grab Craig's hand and led him to his bedroom.

Craig tried his best not to blush, but in the end, he shown a hint of red in his pale cheeks.
Hopefully he doesn't see this... He thought, but at the same time, he want Tweek to notice too...

After they both entered the bedroom, Craig sat nervously on the floor, the smell of coffee and Tweek is everywhere here, making his head fuzzy. Tweek sat down next to him, and noticed that he acts different for some reason unknown to him. "Y-You okay Craig?" He ask, worried. Craig look at his friend, he can sense that he worried. "I'm fine, Tweek. It's just cold probably, don't need to be alar-" before he can finish his words, Tweek hold onto Craig's arm, and then put his hand on his forehead. "Y-You need something warm! L-Let me make you coffee!", Craig felt bad. "No Tweek, i'll be fine, promise.", but alas, Tweek head outside to make him a cup of coffee. One caring guy huh, he thought. In the meantime, he start to unpack his things, his unfinished homework, his pencils and pens, and some snacks in case he is hungry. As he just sat there, he take a look around the place. The place was just as like all of the houses here, except Token's house. The scent of him and coffee is all over the place, making his head fuzzy and his stomach weird, but he loved it.

A few minutes have passed and Tweek finally came back with two mugs of warm coffee. He greeted Craig with a welcoming smile, "H-Here you go Craig!" He said as he give one mug of coffee for him. Craig grabbed it, slightly touching Tweek's hand. He felt himself getting warm again. He tried to look away, however, it failed badly.

"Craig?" Tweek asked, concern. "Y-You okay?". Craig's mental state just screamed try not to stutter or anything that will embarrassed himself in front of Tweek. "Yes Tweek, I'm f-fine." He said, stuttering slightly, which makes him want to dug a hole in the floor and never leave. Tweek concern level was over 9000, and he put his mug on his study table and put a hand on Craig's cheek. "Y-You're having a fever Craig!?" He asked, more like demanded. Craig was unsure what to do, his mind is complete blank. Not to mentioned, Tweek's hand is on his cheek!

Calm down Craig, he thought, No gay stuff , at least not yet anyway.

"Can you help me with my homework now?". Tweek, after 3 seconds when it registered, he pull his hand away from Craig's cheeks and look away, his cheeks blushing dark red. "S-Sorry C-Craig." He said, apologetically. Craig sigh, "It's okay, Tweek. Now cmon, help me."

- Few Hours Later -

Craig's POV

When I finally finished the last question, I sigh in relief to know that it's finally done. I re-checked it all, matching it with Tweek's, and it appears everything is in order. Thank god, I thought, I hope the goddamn teacher will not yell at me this morning. He yawn, the feel of exhaustion start setting in, Ilook back at Tweek, who is now sleeping soundly on his bed. I smiled, seeing him cutely sleeping, and all I can hope for is to kiss him on his lips and take him away with me, but alas, I know that won't come to reality. I put all my books and pencils and stuff on the table nicely and got up and sat on the edge of Tweek's bed. Seeing his peaceful and cute look makes my stomach goes insane. Without realizing, My hand start to move, and my fingers land nicely in his cheeks. So smooth, so nice...

My hands move up to his hair, smooth, like a very smooth blanket. The smell of coffee is everywhere, and it smells relaxing. His steady breathing and his cuteness, is just too much. I want him, he belongs to me, but I know that wonderful moment will never come.

At least, if he is still my friend, I'm happy...

I feel very exhausted...
I slowly move my body, lay down next beside him, then carefully wrap my arm around him. I smiled, the warmth felt nice. I never knew what love feels like, until now. It feels amazing. It feels... wonderful.

Without me realizing, my exhaustion took me over, and then fall asleep.

However, Craig didn't know that somewhere, a bit far apart, a young man was watching everything that is happening via camera hidden inside the room. Though not a lot of people knew him, but back when he was a kid he got framed for an incident when he was in Kindergarten. Even if he dislike the 4 guys, he still hates this chullo hat wearing guy. And he will do anything to make him suffer.

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