Chapter VII

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It was the next day, Craig woke up with a start. Nightmares, He thoughts, shivering. He took deep breaths, but it only made it worse. He got up from bed, and start to walk to the bathroom, but before he do so, he check his phone. 04:41 am, he reads, and then continue on his way to the bathroom. When he left his room, he do it quietly so he dont accidentally woke up his parents. He opened the door to the bathroom, and then went to the sink and wash his face with fresh cold water, and when he finally finished, he went back to his room.

When he enter, he saw something. Something that shouldn't be in his room.

When he walk to his study table, he finds a letter, and he was damn sure there wasn't any letter in his table.

When he opened the letter, the words were typed and printed, so he wouldn't know who made it. However, that's the least of his problem. His heart rate increases every second, there was a picture inside the letter, and when he saw it, it turn his blood cold.

It reads:

Dear Craig Fucker,
   You probably don't know who I am, but I know you. Craig fucking Tucker. It's been years since we last met, and I can finally do something I wanted to all along. The picture that is in this letter, its you and Tweek. No doubts, right? I will use this as to blackmail you. Not just that, but to let your father know that his only son is gay. Not only that, to let people hate you and dislike you for being what you are. What will happened to Tweek? Well, there are few things that might happened when this gets leaked. One, he could leave you and start hating you. Two, he could get depressed and in the end, take his own life so you live the rest of your life feeling regret. Three, he could fake it and tell everyone that he never wanted to be friends with you in the first place. Four, when its all out of control, he leave South Park,leaving you all behind. Many possibilities, which one shall you take? Well, I only say this: Be the same person as you was before. Be much more depressing, and block everyone out. If not, I will share this in social medias and town hall's wall boards. If you don't do this, your new friend's life, your crush's life, will gone and he will forever be hated.
        I hope you decide well,
   Regards, T.B.

Craig was breathing heavily, as if he got punched in the gut. This can't be... He thought, as his mind went into high gear. He was falling, falling into a pit of despair. He never wanted this, but to why, why do someone wanting to do this to him? He was confused, scared, and alone. He tried to scream, but the words were stuck in his throat. He felt himself laying now on his bedroom floor, as he start clawing his flesh, re-opening his cut wounds, wanting to cut deeper and to end it all. He let all the tears out, he let it all out, feeling out of control. He felt it all again.

Bloody painful.
The nightmares.

He tried to scream for help, anything, hoping someone would be here to hold him tight. To let all the nightmares go. To let his fears and sadness gone. However, he knew it won't happening now, or anytime soon. Whoever did this, clearly dislikes him and he doesn't know why. He doesn't want to know anymore, he doesn't care.

He doesn't even care just laying here in his bedroom floor, and he doesn't even bother to go to school today. or anytime in the future...

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