Chapter II

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The next day...

Tweek woken up by the sound of his alarm. He quickly turn it off, then stretched his arms out, to relaxed him a bit.

He still feel a bit exhausted, but a nice of coffee might help. He got up and pick up a towel and head to the shower room, where he refresh himself and his troubled mind with water.

After 20 minutes of shower, he dried himself with the towel and walk back into his room.

He decided to wore a long sleeved green shirt black jeans for today. He grab his backpack and head outside of his room, headed downstairs to the kitchen area to make himself a nice cup of coffee and some toast.

While he made his breakfast, his mind was thinking, non stop. He hoped he sees that guy from yesterday again. He seemed like the type of guy who cares. He looks kinda cute too, and it makes his stomach goes butterfly like feelings.

He let out a shaky sigh and grab his hair, feeling kinda stressful already.

When he finally made his breakfast, he eats it quickly and soon head off to school...

Tweek POV

I'm finally here...
South Park High.

The school is already open, even though its still quite early this morning. I soon enters the main room of the school, there's lockers everywhere. Since I'm new, I decided to wait at the more info desk, until someone finally here.

I decided to play a random game on my phone, until suddenly footsteps can be heard. When I finally look up, I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

Its that person, from yesterday.

He raised his eyebrows.

His eyebrows are good looking.

"You're new here, huh?"
He ask, with a monotone voice.

I got up, standing awkwardly and nervously, "U-um.. y-yeah, i-i'm new here..." I look away, my face feels a bit hot, from the embarrassment.

"Ah, i see. Well it's nice to meet you, I guess..." he said, still, with a monotone voice.

Which surprisingly, sounded quite sexy...

"U-Um, I-i don't know i-if i ever i-introduce myself y-yesterday, m-my name is Tweek! T-Tweek Tweak!" I raise my hand a bit, waiting him to shake it.

He looked at me with his emotionless eyes, which actually kinda scary, and I don't know if I should be here anymore...

He let out a slight chuckle, "Don't be sad, idiot. My name is Craig. Craig Tucker." He shake my hand, and the feeling in my stomach got a little crazier. I feel a bit dizzy when he touch my hand.

"N-nice meeting you Craig~!"

I smiled, sweetly. He doesn't smile, only stare, but still, its something at least.

~ Time skip, brought to you by Tweak's coffe ~

Lunch time...

3rd Person POV

After a few hours and the first 2 or 3 periods, Tweek met a couple of people, and they are nice!

He was introduced to Craig's gang, Token, Clyde and Jimmy, and they all are cool people! He also meet a boy named Butters, and he is a very nice guy! He introduced Tweek to some of his friends as well, Kyle, Stan, Eric and Kenny.

Well, his opinions on them are... okay. They seem cool, but Eric is a massive jerk, while Kenny is just a massive perv who just wants sex.

He even ask Craig, and all he gets are his middle finger.
Which makes him laugh a bit.

He's kinda curious to see what other things about Craig...



He look to his right and see Craig, staring at him with his blue eyes, filled with the mystery of the unknown.

He's drawn to it...

"You should eat, before the bell rings."

"A-ah, o-okay..."
He said and slowly taking bites on his sandwich.

Tweek silently looking at Craig back and forth, seeing how good looking he is and how cute too.

The clothes he wears fits so well on him!

Tweek slowly feel the butterfly feeling again in his stomach, but its getting stronger and he doesn't know what causes it.

Craig noticed this, and he put his hand on his shoulder, "You okay, Tweek?" He ask, even though he only gives a monotone voice and emotionless look, he can feel that he secretly worried.

"N-No I'm fine, Craig. J-just feeling something w-weird in my stomach, t-that's all, heheh..." he replied, with an awkward laugh, which Craig isn't buying it.

"You should eat, maybe that's why. If it isn't helping, try getting some medicine. Or if it's different, you can always talk to us" he said, nothing but truthful words and care.

Tweek felt happy, truly happy.
He never felt this happy before and he thanked Craig for this by hugging him.

He smiled, happily.
Craig hands stand still, don't know what to do, Tweek knows this and pull away, then smiled sweetly.

"Thank you Craig~"

He look away, "Uhh, yeah, no problem."

The bell soon rings and every students slowly got up and head on their way to class.

Tweek got up, same with the gang, and only Craig still there, sitting and in deep thoughts.

Tweek felt concern, but Token got to him before he could do anything.

"Tweek, you should know this. When Craig is in deep thoughts, I suggest you shouldn't disturb him."

Tweek feel confused as to why Token said that, "eh? Why though?"

"Just don't do it, trust me. He has some problems too, let just keep it that way. C'mon, it's Chemistry period, we're gonna be late."

As Token grabbing onto his hand, and walking away, Tweek can see Craig's expression slowly change and more...

Much more human.

He couldn't see more after the cafeteria doors closed, but he sees it...

He saw Craig smile.
His thankful smile.

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