Chapter IX

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3rd Person POV

The school was ordinary, and right now, Tweek and Clyde are on their way to Craig's house. The journey was ordinary and fine, with the wind blowing on their faces, it was a nice feeling, yet inside their heart, something's been bothering them as to why Craig didn't tell anyone he isn't going to school today.

"How many t-tacos did you bring, C-Clyde?" Tweek asked, and he let out a smug, "Over 20 of em~" He said, proudly. Tweek spun and look at him, clearly shocked. "W-WHAT?! A-ARE YOU INSANE!? T-THAT'S A LO-", before Tweek could finish his sentence, Clyde lean onto him and closed his lips with his hands, "Sometimes, when men in moody situations, the best way to calm them down is with tacos." Clyde said fill to the brim with determination. All Tweek can do is accept his determination and continue to Craig's house.

When they finally reach it, Clyde knock on the door twice and immediately opened by Craig's father, Thomas. "Oh? Hello boys, is there anything I can help you with?" He asked to Tweek and Clyde, "I-Is Craig i-inside, s-sir?" Tweek asked, and the man give them confused looks, "He isn't here, isn't he at school? He gone of I don't know when but he's not here right now." He said, "I see. Well, if he finally arrives home, can you give this to him?" Clyde handed him a meal box full to the brim with tacos. "Oh, thank you Clyde. I'll be giving this to him as soon as he returns." He said, "T-Thank you for letting u-us know, s-sir."

Then he went inside and closed the door, leaving Clyde and Tweek confused, "So if he is not at home, then we're the devil is he?" Clyde said, "I-I don't know. H-How about you ask y-youself? Y-You've been friends w-with him for a long time.", Clyde then paced back and forth, "I don't know. Even I already known him for years, he still doesn't let his emotions out. Sure, sometimes he smiles and shows signs of fear or sadness, but we can never guess when he will feel those emotions, nor where to go when he feel that way.", "I-I see... w-well, w-we can look around for him, a-and maybe-" Tweek's words was cut off, "Well, I'd love to join ya but I have to go and visit Token right now, so I'm sorry to leave you hanging here, I'll see you tomorrow alright?" Clyde said and before Tweek could respond he already left. Tweek was left there, confused and then he decided to go home. He still felt guilty for some unknown reason and feel lonely without Craig by his side. He hoped that he is okay, and yet something inside Tweek's heart, he doesn't believe it. He wanted to go inside the house, yet he scared that he might get caught. He tried to push all the bad things away, yet it just keep coming much painful than previous.

"I-I need coffee..." He said out loud as he head back to his home and rest his mind for a bit.

I hope you're okay Craig...

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