chapter 1

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''Mom, dad I am going to the mall!'' I yelled out as I grabbed my purse heading out. Now, I'm in for the same lecture I get before i go to the mall.

I sighed and waited for it.

''Is there anyday you don't go sweety" my mom sarcastically asked. And there it is.

''Yeah I know, why can't you go play some soccer or something like a regular kid'' said my dad and he looked at me and furowned his brows.

''Dad, that's because I'm not, I'm an adult and by the way soccer is so not my thing, and how many times do i have to have this conversation with you guys'' I said and rolled my eyes.

Everytime I head to the mall is the same lecture, I could probably say it by heart by now.

''Yeah and so is every other sport, sweety, we get that you're an adult but you really need to have some fun, enjoy life and don't you dare say that your fun is going to the mall cause you're just buying unnecessary things with my money..... but i know you'll get the money somehow, even if you have to suck up your pride and work in some smelly old place.'' My dad said and sighed.

It's true though if he doesn't give me any money I'll just work,get the money and then spend it on shoes.

It's not that I'm ungrateful and bratty I just have always loved shopping but I do know my limit. I dont spend it crazily.

''Urgh!!!! why do I always have to have this conversation when i'm going to the mall?" I groaned and closed my eyes for a brief second.

''Sweety we just don't want you to become a woman with a bunch of clothes and shoes but no husband and kids I mean what kind of life will that be.'' my mom said and smiled at me. Ofcourse she doesn't, she wants me to get a boyfriend, then get married and have five kids, FIVE!

''Whatever I am going bye'' I said and walked of quickly, before another lecture about getting a boyfriend. Sometimes i wonder if i picked the correct choice by staying in my country for university, i only picked this one because it was in my home but then if i picked another then i wouldn't have to have this lecture everytime i go to the mall.

''Yeah yeah just don't stay out to late'' mom said and sighed, she really wants me to get a boyfriend but what can I do if all the boys i meet are idiots and doesn't have a future. Don't get me wrong I love love but the boys that I am surrounded by are players and idiots. I want a mature guy who is faithful and doesn't play around. Not like those idiots in my college.

''Okay mom!'' I yelled before slamming the front door.

30 Minutes later..........

When I came out of my car I went straight to the shoe store to buy some heels to go with my dress that I am wearing to go collect my award for the best science presentation tommorrow so, I have to look my best and once I find the perfect heels then I guess i'm ready to party, well of course, after the ceremony.

Anyways when I got inside the store it was packed as usual so I had to fit my tiny self through the thick crowed. once I got to my section my eyes immediately fell on a pair of black heels I fell in love.

You always say that everytime you see a shoe.

Oh shut up! No I dont

Yes you do!

Urgh can you stop and let me concentrate!

Oh I forgot meet miss debbie downer my conscience. We normally have this back and fort conversation. She's such a lamo!

I tried the heels on which was to my luck the perfect fit. After standing about an hour in line I got my shoes and was ready to party tommorrow night.

When I was almost close to the exit of the mall I heard two gunshots and people were running all over the mall to the exit I as well started to panic and before I knew it people were practically jumping in me to reach the exit so I started to flea from the seen as well. before I knew it I made it outside and I was jumping for joy until I felt my hands feeling empty oh shit don't tell me I have to go back to that scene whatever I havebto get back my babies come what may.

I took all the courage I had I walked back to the scene. when the was about to enter the mall a pair of arms stopped me. you can't go in there miss! why? my babies is in there. oh god officer michles we have a lady claiming that her babies are inside the building'' okay madam describ thm for me,'' ''okay well there the cuties things you have ever seen there back and there about 5 inches tall.'' ''what are you decribing miss I thought you said your babies are inside you're talking about shoes'' ''well duh that's my babies what were you thinking I was talking about'' '' you have wasted my time young lady so for your own safety please go home ma'am.'' the officer said but its not my fault that I really need those shoes. trust me if I didn't really need them I would of left a lomg time ago trust me but I am a girl and I don't have any othet shoes that are matching my dress and I need to look good cause hello I am the one receiving the award you know.

''well I guess I have to get them myself.'' slowly I walked around the mall to the back enterance it looked liked no one used here for years. once I opened the door I see that the coast is clear so I looked around for my bag which I can easily find because I put my phone in there and my casing is pink and has sparkles on it so I can see my phone through the see through bag. once I see my bag I also saw about five or so very built men they looked nice but reed is way better looking wait where did that come from well I guess u do find reed hot ugh shut up brain and why am I thinking about him he is such a douchebag and arrogant and is an asshole ugh just thinking about him makes my head hurt and gives my mouth a bad taste ugh kayla just focus on what u came for and stop thinking of that man-whore. okay so how am I going to get pass all those hulks. think kayla you're a nerd so think how am I going to get my shoes.

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