Fraleo/Valzhang (Frank Zhang X Leo Valdez)

151 4 2

Suggested by bookhunter394

Picture by misterpoofofficial on Tumblr!

Of course THIS ship exists. Everyone loves the ships with the two characters that are the ultimate rivals, but then they manage to make up....And half the time, unless if the sexual tension or the development is REALLY good, I just see the two characters as a sibling-like relationship, a BROTP. 

I'm glad that all of the really bad Frank and Leo moments were pretty short lived. Rick could've dragged that shit, but he didn't and that was a good decision. And Frank and Leo's bad moments were always so petty and they had stuff in common that you just wanted them to make up already. And tbh usually I'm a hard advocate that just like people don't want girls to be pitied against each other, I want the same for guys, and this ship does please me in that area. I guess that's exactly why there are people who really like this ship, but I just...can't. I have a hard time getting into Leo ships most of the time, and it's amazing how little this ship bugs me considering that I usually have problems with every other Leo shipping, and that Frank is one of my absolute favorites. But you know, the nice development doesn't fuel my interest much, especially when Frazel keeps being so precious and beautiful. Overall, this ship is just okay. 

Score: 5/10 

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