RP Idea 25

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25. A Quick Pirate Talk lesson

You are My New & Youngest Female Crew Member. You've just turned 17 - You didn't even Know Any Pirate Talk when you joined - but You assured me that 'You Learn Fast & You'll Learn it All Very Soon' so I gave you a chance & let you Join because You Wanted to join My Happy Crew so much.

- But learning it all it turned out not to be 'as easy as You Thought'... - Your Fellow Crew Members were using Many Words You Heard for the First Time - & During Your First Week on My Ship you were asking them 'What did he Say'? when I was giving orders using some Specific Pirate Vocabualry & they had to tell you 'The Captain said... ' & translate it to You Everytime.

But they All Were helpful & I was Patient. - And after Your First Week on My Ship I came to your Room to ask you 'How is your Learning Pirate talk going? - Any Progress? :) '. You answered 'Not much, Captain - I read the book you gave me - but All those words are Something 'totally New' to me - & I still can't tell the difference between 'Harrr' & 'Yarrr' - because they sound Almost the Same!'

I tell you 'I think the Problem might be the Fact that you just wanted to Learn Them All at the Same time - & there were just 'Too Many Pirate Words to learn Instantly'. You look at me & agree saying 'Yes, it might be This' so I ask you to write down some words you want to learn & Remember today - not too many. And when you make Sure that you Remember them - You can try to learn some more. 

You write down 'Harrr, Yarrr, 'Argh', Ahoy & Avast' on a piece of Paper & show it to me - so I check them & say 'Ok, almost correct - just one mistake 'Arrr' should be spellt the same as 'Yarrr' & 'Harrr'! :) ' so you correct it & say 'I'll try to remember. The correct list of chosen words is 'Harrr, Yarrr, Arrr, Ahoy & Avast' - so I give you 20 Minutes to read the definitions, & when to use them - & then I ask questions to check if You Learnt them. 

Then I ask you 'Are You Ready?' - You answer 'Yes, Captain... but I don't feel very Self Confident at the moment... I always got Stressed when I had to answer Teacher's Questions at School - so Even if I Knew the Right Answer - I might have Forgotten what to say Sometimes because of Stress'. I answer 'Don't worry - I am not going to Give you a bad Grade... - Or Any Grade at All... - I will just Tickle! :) '. I slightly move My Feathered Sword in the Air in front of you, Smile & tell you 'So Please, Concentrate'. 

You answer 'Ok' so I look at the Piece of Paper with your 'Pirate Words List' & ask you 'What is the Word All Pirates use Starting with the First letter of the Alphabet you wrote Incorrectly Today? 

You Instantly Recall your Spelling Mistake & answer 'Arrr...?' so I say 'The word you gave Is Correct - but You Shouldn't 'Ask Me' - Now you should 'Answer & Sound 'Self Confident'. I start Tickling Your Tummy with My Featers, You start Laughing - & I tell you '& now Try To Say it Again'. You laugh a few More seconds & say 'Arrr' which already sounds 'better' so I praise you saying 'Now it sounds Better! - Can you hear the Difference? :) '. You nod & answer 'Yes' but I tell you 'But I am Sure that You Can say it Even Better than this! - try one more time'. I keep tickling Your Tummy, so you 'forget about being Stressed' & say 'ARRR!'. 

I stop Tickling for a Moment, Clap My Hands a few times, Smiling & praise you saying 'Now That Was VERY GOOD! - You Finally Sound like a Real Pirate! :) '. You smile back at me, answer 'Thanks, Captain! :) ' & I ask you 'Ready for the Second Question?'. You answer 'Yes' so I ask 'Which words do Pirates use to Express Laughter?'. 

You say 'Oh no! - It's one of those words I confuse All the Time'. I answer 'Yes.. - but tell me precisely Which One' so you get stressed & answer 'Idk!'. I start tickling Your Ribs now & tell You 'I'm sure that You Know! :) - Come on, it's the one from your list that 'Sounds the Most like Laughing! :) '. You laugh because of Being tickled again & Finally Give the Right Answer. - You say 'Hahahaha... Harrr! ' so I stop tickling, & tell you 'Yes, This One! :) - Very Good!  ^_^ ... - We have Some Progress! :) ' & you Smile back at me & answer 'Thank you! :) '.

Then I ask you 'And What Word do Pirates use to Express agreement?' - You make a Thoughtful face - but don't say anything yet... - You're Still Thinking... - So I tell you 'I'll try to ask This Way: 'Do you agree that 'My Ways are Helping You learn Something New? :) '. I start Tickling Your Side - so you Laugh for a moment & answer 'Yarrr!' - so I stop tickling & tell you 'Good! :) - That's just the Word I was Asking About! :) '. You smile at me & I say 'Just two more words - Focus now... - How do you say 'Pay Attention' in Pirate Talk?

I start Tickling Your Other Side instantly - So You Burst in Laughter & answer 'Avast!'. I tell you 'That's Right... - Now please, Raise Your Arms'. You know that 'I'm the Captain - so when I say Something - You Should Listen', that's why you quickly Raise Your Arms, because I told you to - but You Smile because 'that Didn't Sound like an 'Order' - I just asked Politely, which made you Feel More Comfortable.

You're standing with Your Arms Up waiting for the last Question & I smile back at you & ask 'Alright: The last Word from Your List now... 'What do Pirates ( & All the Sailors too ) Say when They want to Greet someone?'. I start tickling Your Left Armpit right after asking that Question - so You Laugh More than Before & answer 'Ahoy! :) '. I answer 'Very well - You've learnt All the Words from Your First List - now I am Sure that You Will Remember Them'. You smile & are about to Lower Your Arms - but I tell you 'Wait... - Don't lower Your Arms yet :) - I'll ask you One More Question 'If it's going So Well This Way!'. 

You Raise Your Arms again saying 'Aye Aye, Captain!' - so I praise You saying 'Great! :) - See How fast You learnt One More thing? :) - That's Just what You should Say to let me know 'that You understood the Order - & what I said will be done!'. You smile & tell me 'Thank you, Captain! - Your ways of Helping Me Learn Really Work - & I'm not Stressed anymore! :) '. I answer 'You're Welcome... so now I should think about the Question'. 

I look at the page in 'Prate Talk book' You Read to choose something 'Easy Enough to give you a chance to Answer Right fast' & when I choose it - I ask you 'What should the First Pirate who Sees the Land far away say to Inform the Others about that?' - You say 'It wasn't on my List' so I answer 'I know! :) - but it was On the Same Page of the Book as All the words You Chose so I'm Sure that You read it too - & You Know! :) '. I start Tickling Your Right Armpit - & You Laugh again & answer 'Land ho' - so I say 'Good - but you should say it Louder to let Your Crew mates & Me hear it... - try one more time'.

I tickle Your Right Armpit again, moving My Feathers around it - so You Laugh Even More & call happily 'LAND HO! :) '. I stop tickling & praise you saying 'Now it was Perfect! :) '. I smile Proud that you made such Quick Progress today so You Smile back at Me & say 'Thank You, Captain!  ^-^ '. I answer 'You're welcome ( Your name or a name you choose for This RP ) - I'm always Happy to Help You learn - & As I can See - This Really works! - so Let me know When You learn Something new, & I Will help you Remember it well :) .

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