7. RP Idea 7:

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You are a Female Captain of Some other Pirate Ship ( You may invent some Pirate Name for Yourself for the needs of This RP )

But You Are My Total Opposite: You're known to be Merciless & Dangerous - & Everyone Thinks that 'You don't have a sense of Humor' so All Those who Ever Met You were Afraid of You - Although You're Beautiful. I heard some stories about You - but I have never met you before... until today Because You Heard that 'I have the other half of the Treasure Map you've just found' - so you decided to enter my ship & Make Me Give My Half of the Map to You. 

You are very fit & clever - so you managed to enter my ship unnoticed by my crew & you went straight to my room. You opened the door with one kick & totally surprised me! - I was just sitting on my chair & reading a book, so I looked up & dropped my book hearing a sudden noise. You smirked at me saying 'Ahoy, Captain Feathersword!' in a mean & mocking way. I looked at you and asked '( ... your pirate name... ) ? - I didn't expect Any Guests today!'. You came closer very fast & answered 'But I heard You Liked Surprises!'. I answered 'That's true... I've heard a few things about you.. '. 

You raised your eyebrows & asked 'Nothing good, I hope?' & I answered 'No... - but you look Even better than they all could describe you!'. I tried to get up from my chair but you said quickly 'Don't waste Your Time for Compliments! - they don't work for me... - & Don't get up!' & tied my hands behind the chair before I managed to move. Now I couldn't move at all - & I was defenceless. When I realized that I looked at you & asked you 'What do you want?'. 

You smiled in an almost cute way proud of yourself that you managed to surprise & tie me so easily & answered 'Just talk'. I tried to move my arms & set myself free - but couldn't. So I just asked you 'You want to talk... - Like this?'. You smiled in a cruel way now & answered 'Yes, and you should be glad that I'm in a good mood today - so just tell me what I want - & nobody will get hurt'. I looked at you even more surprised & asked 'Good mood?... - You call This 'Good Mood?'. You smirked again & answered 'Exactly - & believe me, You Wouldn't like to See Me Angry - So just answer my questions - & I will set you free & go away'. 

I asked you 'Do you always open the door with a kick when you're in a 'good mood?' - Didn't they teach you to knock?' & you frowned & said 'I didn't come here to Talk about Good Manners, Feathersword!' so I answered 'Ok, so let's talk about the thing You wanted to talk about'. The conversation started going as You wanted it to go - so You smiled with a proud smile & asked me 'Where is My Map?'. I looked at you not understanding what you mean & asked 'What map?' so You explained 'I found the Treasure map - but only half of it... - You have the Other Half - where is it?'. 

I smiled a bit saying 'Oh... This Map! - now I understand!... - But why do you say that the half I found is 'Yours?'. You put your face closer to my face & answered 'Because I say so!' so I asked you 'Why can't we go on a Treasure Hunt together & share?'. You hissed the answer 'Because I don't 'Share'! - & The whole Treasure should be Mine!'. You had a real steel saber with you so I decided that 'arguing with you wouldn't be smart' & I just didn't comment what you said. 

My silence made you even more self confident as you asked me 'So? - where is the map?'. I thought for a second & answered 'I don't remember'. You made an angry face & asked 'Are You Kidding Me?!' & I answered 'No, I really don't remember where I put it'. You made an even angrier face & were about to reach for your saber - but suddenly calmed down, changed your mind & answered 'Never mind - I'll look for it myself... - you can't stop me now' & started walking around my room & looking for my half of the map. 

You didn't find it so you thought for a second & said 'If it's not in this Room - maybe you have it With You! - that would be smart... '. You came closer to me again & started touching my sides looking for the map. I asked you 'What are you doing?' & you answered 'Just looking for the map' & kept touching my sides. You had long nails so you accidentally tickled me with them & you got surprised when i suddenly laughed. You looked at me frowning & asked me 'What's so Funny, Feathersword?' & I answered 'You tickled me!'.

You asked 'I did?'. I answered 'Yes!' so you suddenly smile & say 'I didn't plan it - but maybe That's the good way to make you say what I want to know?'. You start tickling more & I just laugh but don't tell you anything ( cause you don't know that I like it - so you think that 'you're torturing me' - & I am really having fun at the moment ). After about half an hour of tickling me with hands you say 'Seems that hands are not enough - I need something more... ' & then you notice my feathered sword. You pick it, look at it & ask me 'What's that?'. 

I answer 'It's my feathered sword' & you ask 'This is Your Sword? - Really?' & burst in laughter. You stop laughing for a moment & ask me 'So you don't even have Real Weapon? - Only This Thing?!'. I answer 'Yes' & you say 'So that explains why you're so defenseless when you Meet a Real Pirate like Me! - What kind of a Pirate are You? - This is Ridiculous!'. I smile slightly & tell you 'The good point is: At least You Laughed!'. You answer 'Cause there is no other Reaction to that than to laugh... - But That is Just what I need at the moment - so I will use it now!' & you start tickling me with my own feathered sword. ( & You can tickle as long as you want ). I still enjoy it, you start laughing too, & at the end you set me free & say 'It was Fun!'. 

I ask you 'Really?' & you answer 'Yes! - I haven't laughed That Much in a long time! - Some people think that I never laugh'. I tell you 'So you should laugh more often'. You answer 'I think I will - Sorry for being so rude at the beginning' & smile at me. I answer 'No problem' & smile back at you. You tell me 'Gtg now - thanks for Bringing My Good Mood back!'. I answer 'You're welcome!' & you leave my ship - also unnoticed by my crew - not getting what you came for ( half of the map ) - but getting Something More Precious than Gold - Your Good Mood!

Go Captain Feathersword Ahoy! ( My tickle RP ideas )Where stories live. Discover now