RP Idea 23

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23. The Dancer with the Brightest Smile

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In this Idea: we're Recording the Wiggles Christmas Clip I'm taking Part in - & You are one of the 4 Dancing Girls in Santa's Hats ( The Prettiest One btw! :) ) that should Smile & Dance Around Me. You're dancing Well - but You Don't Smile First. I notice That & ask you 'What Happened, Dear? - You should be Smiling! - & Showing the Christmas Cheer! :) '. You answer 'I know... - I'm Sorry, but I've just got Stressed - it's My First Time dancing In Front of the Camera!' 

I answer 'I understand... - Let's have a Short Break & I'm Sure I'll find a Way to Cheer You Up!'. You say 'Ok' - & the whole Team agrees to have a Few Minute Break in Recording the Clip so I can start 'cheering you up to Make You Smile'. I first Tell you a Joke that is So Funny that All the Other 3 Christmas Dancers still standing around me Start Giggling as Soon as They Hear It! - My Wiggly Friends Also Laugh - Only You don't Laugh yet - cause You're Still Stressed about the Clip - but The Joke Was Really Good - so You Smile Wide. I notice Your Smile & say 'See? :) - I knew I could Help - You have Such a Bright Smile that You Should Smile All The Time - & Everyone would Smile Back! :) '.

You answer 'Thanks!... - I'll Try!' but when the Director says 'Ok, so let's Continue the Clip now' - You get Stressed & Stop Smiling again!'. The Other Dancers look at You & say 'Oh No! - She's Not Smiling again!' so You tell them 'Sorry! - I was trying'. I answer you 'It's Ok - but Seems that You need Something That Can Cheer You Up Better Than a Joke! :) '. You ask me 'Something That can Cheer Me Up Better Than a Joke?'... - Do You Know what it Could Be?'. I answer 'Of course I know! :) - Let Me Help You! :) ' & suddenly Start Tickling You with My Feathered Sword. 

It Works! - You're Very Ticklish & Haven't Expected it - So You Start Laughing Instantly & Smiling The Widest You Can! - Because You Like It! - I keep Tickling You for a Few Minutes & when I finish - You're still Smiling & You say 'Thanks!' so I ask You 'Did it help?'. You answer 'Yes! :) - I Feel Better!' & You Keep Smiling when we get back to Recording the Clip - & You Smile The Brightest of All the 4 Dancers! - So You get Praised by the Clip Director at the End!  ^_^ 

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