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Y/N pov

I sit down, my heart beating fast. I look away from him and look out of the window, feeling the palm of my hands sweaty.

What is wrong with me?

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Jungkook.
"Do you have a spare pen?" he asks.
I give out a sigh and nod, getting out a pen and lent it to him.
"Thanks" he says, smiling, showing his bunny smile. I give a smile back and carried on listening to the teacher.

I heard girls whispering and giving me death glares like i've done something wrong.

Class finally finished, which meant it's lunch. "Ok class you're now dismissed," the teacher says, everyone jumps up and runs out of the door whilst I stood up, swinging my bag on my shoulder.

"Hey!" Jungkook raised his voice, I turn around.
"Yes?" I ask.

"I'm going with you," he says, I cross my arms above my chest.

"You have other girls. If I go with you they will look at me like I just murdered their parents and they want revenge on me or something,"
I say with a hint of jealousy.

"They won't do anything to you if i'm there, trust me," he stands up and ruffles my hair a bit, making me startled a bit.
"Plus I want you to meet my friends," he adds. I shake my head.
"But I have-" he cuts me off and yanks my arm. "Sweet lets go," he says, dragging me by the arm.

This bunny.

I got a bit mad that he forced me but happy that he shows his attention to me for a bit.

We made it to the canteen, lots of girls started screaming. I hid behind Jungkook, a little scared. He turned to me.
"I'm here, you're safe with me," he says, comforting me.
I nod.

We went to a table with 6 other guys,
"Really?" I mumble to him.
"Don't worry, they don't bite," he smirks.
I scoff, turning my head around so he doesn't see my smile.

He dragged me to the table and forced me to sit down, a blonde haired guy on my right and red haired guy on my left.

"Who she?" The red haired said.

I look down, a little shy since i'm not really a sociable person.
"Guys, this is Y/N," Jungkook introduced me to them, ruffling my hair a bit then resting his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh yeah, I remember, she's your roommate right?" a brown haired boy comments, looking back at me.
"Hi, i'm Taehyung," he introduces himself, showing me a box smile.

I wave then look up at Jungkook to see his cheeks a little hint of pink.
"Y-yes my r..roommate," he stutters.

I look to my left, "Hi i'm Hoseok," the red haired said showing me his hand. I shake it and smile,
"Hello Hoseok," I reply. He gives me a warm smile.

Jungkook sits down in front of me, he looks a little annoyed. I turn to the blonde haired guy. "Nice to meet you, i'm Jimin," he does a little bow, I do a little bow back.
"Nice to meet you too Jimin," I reply.

"That's Yoongi," Jimin points at the green haired boy.

He looks tired

"Namjoon.." he pointed at a light blonde haired guy, he waved, I waved back.
"And Jin," he points at a black haired boy, eating his ramen. He raises his head, looking at me. His mouth full of ramen, I giggle at the sight.

"Nice to meet you all.." I say to them.
"Do you want to grab food ?" Jungkook asked, a little annoyed.
"Umm... sure.." I reply, a little worried.

He stands up as I do the same and follow him.

"Are you ok Jungkook?" I ask, a little concerned,
"Yes i'm fine," he says with a hint of jealousy. I cross my arms,
"Are you jealous?" I asked pulling a little smirk, he shakes his head.

"N-no.." he stutters.

I hug his arm, making him startled by my action.

"Its ok.. I love you.." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear.

I wanted to let those words out my mouth for him to hear, but I don't feel ready for that.. besides he might like someone else.

"Did you say something?" he asks, I look down then back up to meet his brown eyes.
"No.." I reply, putting on a fake smile.

Jungkook pov

"Its ok....." she mumbles.

Did she say something?

I look down at her big brown eyes, shining from the light.


"Did you say something?" I ask, she looks down and then back up, her eyes showing a little hint of sadness.

"No.." she says, pulling a fake smile.

I know her smile so well. Somehow I recognise it but I can't seem to put my tongue on it.

What are you hiding?

I get my food and sit back down, she bought a sandwich and water.

I look at her, she seems upset.

"Hey, eat," I say to her.
She's just looking into space. She shakes her head and picks up her sandwich, taking a bite.

I need to know what's wrong with her.

Y/N pov

I feel a little hurt. I space out, thinking what I should do

I feel empty

"Hey, eat," Jungkook calls.

I shake my head, getting out of my thoughts and take a bite of my sandwich.

"Y/N can I talk to you privately?" he asks.
I nod.

We stand up and he leads me to an empty classroom.

"What's wrong? You're spacing out," he asked with concer while shutting the door.
I nod.
"I'm just thinking.. what would you do if you loved someone but you were scared to tell her because you don't want to ruin anything between the two of you.." I say shyly, fiddling with my fingers while keeping my head low, afraid to meet his eyes, the eyes that always makes my heart melt.

He looked shocked at what I said.

I feel like crying but I try my best to not break down in front of him. I pick my head back up, looking into his eyes that I love.

If only you knew..

Jungkook pov

I was shocked at what she said.

Does she like someone else?

I felt really jealous but tried not to show it.

"Well.. y-you should t-tell him.. before its t-too late.." I stutter, putting a fake smile on and pat her shoulder for comfort.
"I'll be here for you, by your side.. always.." She smiles, having glassy eyes, preventing herself from crying.
"T-thanks.. you're such a.. great...friend.." she says.

If only you knew my feelings for you..

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