Something New

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5 weeks later

Jungkook pov

I wake up with a sleeping Y/N cuddled up to me as I smile, looking down at her.

So beautiful

I hugged her more closer to me as I kiss the top of her head. She flutters her eyes open.

"Morning Kookie Oppa," she greets with her morning breath as I smile.
"Morning Noona," I reply feeling my cheeks blush.

She starts to hold her stomach making me worried.
"Are you ok?"'I asked as she nods, giving me a weak smile.

"I'm ok.." she says before a sick facial expression shows as she jumps off the bed, going to the bathroom as I ran after her. Seeing her kneel infront of the toilet, pucking as I skid across the floor to her. Holding her hair behind as I hold her head.

"It's ok Noona, i'm here," I reassure.

After she finishes, I grab a toilet tissue, wiping her face with it. After I threw it in the small bin as she throws herself on me, hugging me so tight.

"My stomach really hurts," she says as I rub her back in a comforting way.
"We can skip school today," I say as she shakes her head,
"No, I can't," she says
"You have to, you're sick you just pucked five minutes ago, I can't risk it," I hold her in my arms as I bring her back to my bed. Grabbing my phone as I ring the school. Y/N tried to stop me but I didn't let her as the school picked up.

"Hello idol college. How may I help you?"
"Hi umm.. Y/N just threw up five minutes ago, is it ok if she doesn't come in and I look after her?"
"If that's so then she can stay in her dorm, you're her roommate yes?"
"Yes, Jeon Jungkook and she is Ji Y/N,"
"Ok, i'll mark that she's sick and your taking care of her,"
"Ok thank you, bye,"
I hang up

"You shouldn't of done that," she says as I shake my head, crawling to lay next to her.

"You're sick and i'm going to look after you," I reply

Y/N pov

It's the fifth day as I wake up, running to the bathroom as I puke again. Jungkook running up to my side.

"Y/N it's been five days in a row," he says worried as I nod my head.
"I know.." I reply weakly

"Let me go make you soup," he says after wiping my mouth. I nod. He kisses my nose and stands, picking me up and placing me on the bed before going.

Should I check?

I went back in the bathroom and took a pregnancy test out as I followed all the instructions on it.

Now time to wait

After a while, it beeped as I looked down at the results as my face turns shocked.

I'm 5 weeks pregnant?!

I was really shocked but worried to tell Jungkook as I hear his cute voice through the door.

"Y/N, your soup is ready," he calls as I place the pregnancy test back. Taking a deep breath as I walk in his room.

"Thank you Kookie Oppa," I say as he smiles, showing his bunny teeth.
"It's ok," he says.

I sat down as I fiddle with my fingers,
"Jungkook.." I say nervously,
"Yes?" he asks worried
"I-I'm... 5 weeks pregnant," I confess as I shut my eyes before hearing Jungkook clap his hands excitedly. Hugging me tightly.
"I'm so happy," he says as I giggle

"Really?" I ask
"Yes, I always wanted a child," he says
"What do you want the gender to be?" I ask
"A girl," he says.
"Why a girl?" I ask,
"I would love a mini you running around," he says.
"I would love a boy, so it looks like you," I reply as he chuckles.

He kisses me.
"This is the best thing ever," he says as I smile, loving to see Jungkook so happy and bubbly.

"Come lets go watch a film," he says as I giggle. He picks me up.
"Yah! Jungkook I can walk on my own," I say
"Not in a few months you won't" he says
"Hey!" I shout, hitting his chest playfully as he chuckles. He pinches my cheeks.

"You're so cute, you know?" he asks as I blush.

He places me on the couch.

"Lets watch romance," he says as I giggle. He plays the movie as he turns off the lights before sitting next to me.

He intertwines our fingers together as I lay me head on his shoulder while we watch the movie as I smile.

I look up to Jungkook. His round brown eyes locked on the screen. His chest rising and lowering as I can hear his heart pound in the middle of his chest as I smile.

This is what I do to this bunny

I use my free hand to rap around his arm as I cuddle to it, sniffing in his scent that I fell for.

"I love you.." I mumble
"I love you too Y/N" he says, moving his eyes from the screen to me as he kisses me passionately.
"And you too little one," he says as he rubs my stomach in a circular motion before resting the palm of his hand there, caressing it. He is husband material for sure.

My phone rings from Momo as I grab it.

"Yes?" I say, my voice sounding very bored,
"Stay away from my Jungkook,"
Jungkook must of heard as he grabbed my phone.
"Don't you ever say that, she's pregnant with me, i'm hers, she's mine got it?"
"But Op-"
"I don't want to hear it, don't ever hurt her or you're going to regret it," I look at him, seeing his eyes full of anger as he hangs up. Placing it on the table as he turns to me, smiling. His eyes now full of love.


"She won't hurt you, I promise. I'll protect you," he says as I blush, nodding my head.
"Thanks Kookie,"

"Anything for my cute girlfriend,"


Thank you guys so much for 1k. I couldn't of done it without you guys. Every single one of you mean the world to me thank you so much. I love you guys!💜❤️

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