Changes In You

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Y/N pov

I'm now 8 months pregnant, my belly growing. I'm sitting on the couch on my phone as Jungkook's in his room. He said he would be on the phone with someone but it's been nearly half an hour and he isn't downstairs yet.

I walk towards his room until I heard his voice through the door.

"I know how stupid it was Momo, you don't have to tell me again," he says as I rolled my eyes.

They both have talked everything out since 8 months ago, now they're bestfriends.

I was shocked when I heard him chuckle cutely.

What is going on?

"Ok I have to go, Y/N will get suspicious and then find out i'm talking to you," he says my eyes go wide as I walk quickly back to the couch on my phone like nothing.

Jungkook came back minutes after with a smile.

"Who you talking to?" I asked
"Momo for... homework," he hesitates.

You sound like you're lying

"Oh ok, well i'm going round Jimins dorm today," I say as I stood up, ready to leave before I felt a grip on my arm as I turn to see a jealous Jungkook.

"You can't see him," he says coldly,
"You're talking to a girl that broke my heart twice and you're talking to her in your room like you guys are couples," I retorted as Jungkook was surprised.

"H-How much did you hear?" he asks nervously,
"Heard enough to know that you are slowly going down her spell," I reply, feeling a tear roll down my cheek as I yank my arm away from him.

"I'm pregnant, Jungkook," I raise my voice,
"I know you're lying saying you called her for homework because you mostly stay with her on the phone or go out with her, just wait until I give birth Kookie then you can run off to her," Jungkook was surprised by my voice raising and that a tear fell, the last time I cried was on the roof.

I rush towards the door as I heard my name being called multiple times but I just ignored, grabbing my coat on the way to the door as I leave. Getting out the dorm rooms and went to the other one across the road as my eyesight was blurry from the tears.

I knew it.. i'm worthless, you're so stupid Y/N

I heard a car honk but my mind just went blank as I turn my head to the speeding car before I felt a pair of arms around my body, pulling me to the pavement. It felt warm and that scent was familiar.

I look up to see Jimin.
"Yah! Are you crazy! You're pregnant aswell!" he shouts as I giggle.
"I'm sorry Jiminie," I cuddle close to him as I felt Jungkooks sharp stare on me. I felt really uncomfortable. I got off his grip as I turn to Jungkook, seeing Momo go up to him before sticking herself on him. Giving him a peck on the lips. Feeling my tears about to escape.

Jimin noticed as he twirled me around and hugged me tightly before kissing my forehead.

"I'm here Y/N, it's ok.." he reassures as I smile.
I know how hurt he must be just to be a friend and nothing more.

"Jiminie... help, it's been going on since I was first pregnant with his child."
"It's ok, let's go in," I nod as he holds my hand, bringing me to his dorm.


It's been one week and Jungkook has been cold towards me, I lock myself in my room. Crying constantly, asking myself what have I done to deserve this?

I guess people change

I haven't eaten but Jimin comes in everyday just to give me food and check up on me. I haven't gone to school either or seen Jungkook and when I do he just doesn't talk.

I heard my door knock softly. I stood up from the floor as I wipe my tears, unlocking my door to see Jimin with a warm smile with a bag full of food and water. I move so he can come in as I close the door after him.

I sit back on the floor, sliding down the wall.
"Y/N, you should start to eat more.. your child.." Jimin says softly, sitting next to me.

I wasn't thinking straight anymore, I felt the whole world just fall apart around me as I stare at the wall, not talking to him again.

He lets out a deep sigh as he caresses the top of my head before standing up. I jumped on him, hugging him tightly as he was surprised by my sudden action.

"Please.. help... nearly everyday... I hear things in.... Jungkooks room.. him and Momo.." I sob as he hugs me back.

"It will be ok.. i'm glad to hear your voice again." he says softly, "I will come back after school to check up on you.." he gently places me on my bed before giving me the bag full of food.

"Eat up," he says before kissing my cheek, leaving. I stood up, locking my door.

Day by day, Jimin kisses me closer and closer to my lips: first the top of my head, then my forehead, then the tip of my nose, now my cheek.

I sit as I take food and water out as I sit on the floor. I look down at my belly as I caress it softly.

I'm sorry baby

I take the salad out, eating it as I drink abit of my water. Feeling new tears fall.


Jimin pov

I shut Y/N's bedroom door, hearing her lock it as I felt bad for her. I get angry as I see Jungkook sitting on the couch with Momo, flirting with her. He acts so different now.

I walked faster towards him as I felt all my anger rise. My veins pop out of my hands as I slap Jungkook hard across the face.

"What was that for?!" he asked annoyed,
"You! You put Y/N through this! You let her starve and probably die in her room! She's fricking 8 months, 8 MONTHS pregnant with YOUR child! You changed alot Jungkook," I shout as I turn towards Momo, "You are the main reason for this, you caused this mess you call a success, you slut," I spat.

"Don't say that to my girlfriend!" Jungkook shouts as I let out a dark chuckle,
"Jungkook, your girlfriend is in her room, the one you called girlfriend while you guys watched a film, she told me. She's crying her eyes out every fricking day asking what she did wrong, she doesn't talk at all, it's like it's just her no one else," I retorted, walking out.

Y/N pov

It's been a few days as today is the day that I know the gender.

I was excited to tell Jungkook, even though he is so cold towards me I still love him. I know my love belongs to him.

I walk back home as I look at Jungkook with tears in my eyes. Jungkook looked at me.

"Jungkook.." I start weakly,
"What?" he replies coldly.

"It's a girl,"

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