Chapter 4 - Temple of Baeus part 5

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A/N - I don't own the series Danganronpa and Fire Emblem. They belong to their rightful owners, not me.

"...As in... the queen of Rarus kingdom?" The cleric asked.
"Yep, that's her alright," Kaito replied.
"...I see... when they told me that the Ouma family died... I was in deep shock..." The cleric admitted, "I... and then, you appeared, Prince Kokichi, much to my relief,"
"I see you know of me and my family, correct?" Kokichi asked.

"...Yes, I read books about the Ouma and Enoshima bloodlines," The cleric said, and then she dozes off.
"Hey!" Kokichi shouted.
"H-Huh?! Oh... sorry..." The cleric apologised, "I'm... Chiaki... I'm the cleric of this temple,"
"Alright, Chiaki, you gonna help us or not?" Kokichi asked her.
"... Sure..." Chiaki told them, "...I guess it wouldn't you mind having another healer, would you...?"

"No, not at all," Shuichi told her, "If anything, it would be nice to have another healer since I highly doubt just one healer would be sufficient enough for a big army,"
"Okay... I think..." Chiaki said, "... All that battle drama... made me..."

Chiaki yawns and dozes off again, making everybody sweatdrops.
"She's cute, but not as cute as milady!" Tenko admitted, referring to Himiko.
"Well, come on man," Kaito said as he carries Chiaki in bridal manner, "Alright, well let's get back to the others,"
"Of course," Kirumi agreed, "Let's go,"
"Don't need to tell us twice," Kokichi said jokingly as he walks up front, "Follow me everyone cuz I'm the prince and the leader of this army, so obey me slaves!"
"Oi! We're not your slaves!" Kaito protested.
"And you can't talk back against a prince, so ha!" Kokichi laughed at his face; annoying the tall teen.
"Enough you two!" Kirumi told both of them off, "We need to go now,"
"Oh fine!" Kokichi pouted,
"Wait! What about the statue?" Shuichi asked.

"Huh?" Kirumi asked, "What about it?"
"Are we going to ask Chiaki about it?" Shuichi asked.
"... No, I'm sure it's just there for prayers and stuff," Kirumi ensured him.
"... Okay, then," Shuichi replied as the group continues on to exit out of the temple.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my ninja clan. See you next Wednesday. Kuno out!

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