Chapter 7 Part 3 - The Plagued Village

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A/N - I don't own the series Danganronpa and Fire Emblem. They belong to their rightful owners, not me.

Kirumi starts healing the priestess with her staff as her wounds starts to heal up. Kokichi stares at the woman, who is slowly showing her bright teal eyes and takes a deep breath before asking, "How... how do you know my mother?"
"... Prince... Kokichi?" The priestess asked in shock as she looks up and her eyesight becomes less blurry, "I-I can't believe it! You-you're alive!"
"... Yes... I am..." Kokichi told her.
"I-I was told you were killed... in the invasion," The priestess said, "Along with Amaya, your siblings and the king!"
"... So you already know my mother...?" Kokichi asked.
"... Yes," The priestess answered, "She was one of my subordinate until she fell in love with the king... your father,"
"... I see..." Kokichi said.
"She wants to marry the king and I allow it," The priestess answered, "Of course, I have to take away her duties as a cleric before her marriage happens... I haven't seen her for decades now, especially I'm so busy with my duties as high priestess,"

"... I see..." Kokichi takes a deep breath and says, "That has to be one of your biggest mistakes out there..."
"H-Huh?" The priestess gasped in shock, "Wha-What do you mean?"
"... Ha!" Kokichi laughed with a cheeky smile on his face, "It's a lie! I was just messing with you!"
"Oh... I-I see..." The high priestess replied, "But still... my name is Ena,"

"I'm Shuichi," Shuichi told him, "I'm part of Kokichi's army,"
"I see... it's a pleasure to meet you, young Shuichi..." Ena told him.

"There," Kirumi said as she stops healing and stands up, "I managed to heal all of your wounds, but take care of not to be reckless,"
"Of course," Ena replied as she stands up, "I need some new clothes... and your name is?"
"Kirumi Tojo," Kirumi told her, "A servant to Prince Kokichi,"
"I see," Ena replied.

Ena stands up and looks at the others as she asks, "Are there more here?"
"Yes," Kirumi answered.
"I see, then I would like to meet them," Ena said.
"Your highness?" Kirumi asked the young prince first.

"Sure," Kokichi replied.
"In that case," Kirumi nodded before turning to Ena, "Follow me,"
"Of course," Ena nodded, "I will explain more once we meet with the others,"

The four goes upstairs from the room to meet with the other soldiers of Kokichi's army.

A/N - This is Ena, my new OC of mine. At first, I was originally gonna make her just an NPC, but after some thinking, I think it would be good to have one pre-promote unit in the team besides Kirumi and give her an important role in the story. Her unique class is a Lv 2 High Priestess where she has access to bows, offensive magic and healing magic. Those are her stat growth.
HP - 45%
Str - 50%
Mag - 67%
Skl - 55%
Spd - 40%
Def - 48%
Res - 64%

She starts with physic and a blessing bow and her starting stats are:
HP - 30
Str - 15
Mag - 24
Skl - 18
Spd - 15
Def - 14
Res - 20

I think I went a little overboard with her stats, but oh well. I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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