Chapter 10 Part 1 - Pirate Attack

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A/N - I don't own the series Danganronpa and Fire Emblem. They belong to their rightful owners, not me. Finally, the last chapter and I can finally move on to other things... thank god. I'm honestly relief... I'm not saying I hate writing for this... I'm just slowly losing motivation and want to do other things right now. I hope you guys understand.

They wasted no time to set sail as Kirumi cuts off the rope from the ship and it starts moving through the ocean. She takes a deep breath and turns to the group as she asks, "Does anybody know how to sail the ship?"

"... I do..." Ryoma muttered as he puts his hand up.

"Okay than, you get to the steering wheel," Kirumi told him.

"Got it..." Ryoma replied as he absentmindedly heads to the steering wheel.

Kokichi puts his feet on a small platform and shouts, "As the new captain of this ship, I order all of you to clean up this ship!"

"Oi! You do realise you have to clean up as well, right?" Kaito asked him rudely.

"Bitch! I'm the captain, not the cleaner!" Kokichi said. "And since I'm still royalty, you have to do what I say!"

"Why you little shit!" Kaito yelled out, but Kaede puts her hand on his shoulder and shakes her head, "But... Kaede!"

"Just let it go, Kaito," Kaede told him.

"Well... can you, at least, help me with the lifting?" Shuichi asked the prince.

"... But I will only help Sushi-chan! Bye!" Kokichi said with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck you, Kokichi!" Kaito shouted at him.

"Fuck you too, Kaito!" Kokichi shouted back with a smirk and two middle fingers as he follows Shuichi into the basement.

"Ugh... I hate that brat so, fucking much..." Kaito groaned as the whole crew start cleaning up while Ryoma is sailing the ship.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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