You killed him.

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Stood in front of the door, Kenny opens it. I sigh and step in behind him.

"Again? Do you boys not learn?" Our dada professor asks.

The room door slams shut and I'm going to presume that he has made it soundproof.

"Both of you could have avoided this," he says.

I keep my eyes down, hoping Kenny has an idea of what the hell is going to happen here.

"Especially you! I did nothing but try to keep you out of it, Stan!" The professor states.

"Sorry professor, as a Hufflepuff, I'm good at finding," I say.

He laughs.

"Oh trust me, I know. You're just like your whole house, Stan, a lot more persistent but still. All of you are such dream chasers. You just are the only one that keeps coming back. You want to be a hero but you just can't, yet you still try onwards. It's such a pathetic thing. You're not a hero, Stan, that's left for those that matter," he says.

"He matters," Kenny says.

The professor laughs at this.

"Does he? I'm certain he isn't quite as sure. No, he does not. He's playing no important part in our world," he says.

Kenny slowly starts taking his wand. I nod and continue facing the professor.

"But I like to think I matter to someone," I say.

The dada professor laughs.

"Aw, so precious. Why would they even care? All around you are people that are more than you," he states.

I sigh.

"Take a moment to realise you aren't changing anything by being who you are," he says.

"I mean-," I start.

"The dark king could forgive you your mother. He would love you in his ranks and I'm certain you would matter. With your family not giving two shits about you and the fact you aren't fitting in in your house," he says.

"H-How do you know that?" I ask.

"Think about it. A Hufflepuff has to always be selfless. You're not very selfless. You aren't kind nor caring and you keep having to reassure yourself but constantly mentioning your house. We wouldn't wait anything from you, not something you couldn't give," he says.

I keep the eye contact.

"Maybe you'd be something, finally," he says.

I shake my head, shameful that there is someone hearing all this.

"Your friends are smarter braver and all around better than you," he says.

"Yeah," I say.

"We could make you into something much more. You'd be a man," he says.

"I don't want to be one," I say.

He laughs.

"Every boy wants to be a man someday, the sooner the better," he says.

"I don't," I say.

He seems angry and starts reaching for his wand.

"I just... I want other things," I say.

"What is that? Is it something everyone else wants? Someone's heart? It's the aftermath of Valentine's Day after all. People are still crying it, two months late," he says.

I sigh. Now he sounds like a fucking genie.

"It's a bit harder than that," I say.

"What is it then?" He asks.

"It's not very Hufflepuff," I say.

He rolls his eyes.

"I've heard love for maybe almost all the times," he says.

"Respect. Maybe that's bad of me," I say.

"We'd respect you," he says.

Kenny's wand is at the right angle for our plan.

"It's not exactly respectful to try to tell me to join someone outside your control and try to manipulate me," I say.

Before Kenny can do what we planned, The Professor takes his wand and shoots some curse at me.

"SHIT!" I scream.

After a moment of whatever it is, I need my balance kept by a fucking table.

"Fuck," I mutter at the non-stop pain.

"Stan. You really could get through and come to us," Professor says.

"Never!" I say.

He continues before clearly getting an idea.

"Are you sure about that?" He asks.

I nod slowly, scared of what is going to happen again.

"Can I change your mind with-?" He asks.

He points his wand at Kenny.

"You wouldn't!" I say.

"Avada Kedavra!" He yells, shooting at Kenny.

The sigh is horrifying, Kenny does fall to the floor like a plank.

"KENNY!" I scream.

I get over to him, taking him into my arms... oh if you lied to me, I will kill you.... wait. If he lied to me, he can die, which means I can't kill him.

"Your little friend is as dead as the whole of Hogwarts. That is... if you don't feel like getting me Kyle," he says.


"Yeah yeah, I'm a bastard. Can we continue with the lesson?" He asks.

I shake my head and keep Kenny close to me.

"Fucking hell. Do you really think the way to get me on your side is to kill my best friend?" I ask.

He laughs.

"You'll come around," he says.

He points his wand at me ones more. Well, goodbye world.

"Well. Before I do that," he says.

He takes my arm. I back away, still holding Kenny.

"Oh don't be scared," he says.

I back until my back hits the wall. The sudden idea that hits my head has never sounded crazier but fuck it.

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry to use your body for this," I tell Kenny's dead body.

As the professor gets closer, I kick him in the stomach, break the window and drop Kenny down.

"Stop! Now!" The professor yells.

I get out the window but instead of jumping out, I take a hold of the platform.

"HELP!" I scream.

The healer comes quicker than I can say anything else. He puts some magic on the ground and I jump down, not hurt.

"What the absolute h-?" The school healer asks.

"No time," I say.

I take Kenny's body. Wendy and Kyle run to me, my automatic reaction is to give them Kenny and run out.

"I gotta reach it, I gotta reach it," I say.

I burst into the potions room.

"I need you to read my memories right now. Where can you put them?" I ask.

There is a few snickers but she seems to understand and she gets out a thingy that looks like a huge plate.

"Think about it, I'll get it out," she says.

I start thinking about what just happened and it goes in.

"Now that memory right there, we need it to the ministry. Someone just killed Kenny," I say.

There are screams in the room.

"Oh will you shut up? You're 4 years older than me and you don't see me fucking screeching," I say, shrugging.

Kenny McCormick and 7 years of train rides. (South Park in Hogwarts.)Where stories live. Discover now