Chapter 3: First Contact

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Destroyed Settlement


After we used the vehicle to bring Itami and the girl up from the bottom the well Kurakawa and Kuribayahshi are tending to her. She's unconscious but alive, though I wonder what her reaction will be when we tell her friends and family are dead. Meanwhile Kurata's spazzing out over the fact that she's a blonde elf.

Kurata: *Happy* AHHH! An elf, and not just any elf she's a blonde elf too! Now that's the kinda thing I was expecting to find out here! *giggles* We hit the jackpot baby!

Itami:*emptying water from boot*'re into elves.

Y/N: *sarcastically* Oh yeah that's great Kurata, outside the fact that all her friends and family are dead. But continue to file her your spank bank.

Kurata instantly shuts up as Kurokawa approaches to update us on the girl's conditions

Kurokawa: Excuse me, sirs.

Itami: So, how she doing.

Kurokawa: Her temp's back to normal, she's no longer in critical condition.

Itami: That's good to hear.

Y/N: Good work Doc.

Kurokawa: All right so how would you like to proceed?

   Itami: Let's see...a dry pair of boots'd  be pretty kick ass right about now!

Y/N: More like a dry pair of socks.

Kurokawa: Huh?

Itami: Never mind, no way we can leave her here. She ended up losing her entire village, we'll classify her as a refugee and take her with us.

Kurokawa: Now why did I get the feeling you were gonna say something like that.

Itami: Eheh...pretty humane of me don'tcha think?

Kurokawa: Yeah...wouldn't go that far.

Itami/Kurata: Huh?

Kurokawa: *smiles* I'm thinking you might be doing because she's an elf. Knowing what you do in you're spare time. But I'd guess that would be pretty rude of me to point that out sir?

Itami/Kurata: *laugh nervously*

Y/N: *chuckles* Hit the nail on the head there Doc.

Kurokawa:Oh, Lieutenant L/N.

Y/N: What is it Doc?

Kurokawa: You called me I believe it was "Corpsman" earlier, is that a US marine medic sir?

Y/N: Oh old habit, yes Corpsmen are our medics though technically they come from the Navy they're honorary marines. Sorry if I confused you Sergeant Kurokawa.

Kurokawa: *smiles* Oh it's fine sir, and feel free to call me Doc too. I kinda like it.

Y/N: Alright then Doc.

We board our vehicles and depart the settlement.

Itami: That's it, we should head back to Camp Alnus.

Y/N: Best route back is most likely through Coda Village. Probably should tell them about the dragon as well.

Kurata: Ya know what Lieutenants? I'm thinking we'll probably run into a dragon again before a cat girl, huh?

Itami: Better watch what you say, or else you might come true ya know.

Y/N: Probably just jinxed us right now. 

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