Chapter 7: Prisoner of War

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After we ordered 3rd Recon to retreat Itami and I were taken prisoner by Pina's knights. They dragged us back it Italica tied to their horses. They aslo stripped us our gear, my wound is hurting like like crazy with some bleeding. Also along the way they rough up Itami pretty badly. We're both leaning against the wall with Hamilton seeing to us and Pina berating her subordinates.


She throws a goblet at the blonde ones head who I learned her name was Bozes

Pina: *hard breathing* You idiots!

Bozes falls to her knees with her head bleeding and white haired one named Panache puts a cloth over her wound.

Panache: Your Majesty!  What have we done to make you this angry?

Pina: Don't you get it?

Hamilton: Master Itami, Master L/N! Are you both alright?

Y/N: I'm okay see to him first.

Itami reeling from the pain keels over.

Several maids enter and take Itami away leave me alone with Pina with one of her officers an older man named Grey. Pina is sitting in a chair face palming.

Pina: We have broken the treaty one the very first day.

Grey: They can use this as a reason to restart the war. I wouldn't put it past your father to do that. But we don't know is these "Japanese" would do the same thing.

Y/N: (Well, maybe in different time period they probably would. But here I don't see that happening.)

Grey: What about this one? Why is he still here?

Y/N: Good question, also why am I still tied up?

Pina: Of course, Grey untie him.

Grey unties me and I rub my wrist.

Y/N: Thanks for that.

Grey: At the very least Bozes and Panache didn't go over board and kill them both.

After weighing their options on how to respond Grey is dismissed leaving me with Pina. I get up and sit in a chair in front of Pina.

Pina: Please forgive my subordinates for your treatment.

Y/N: It's fine, they didn't know about the treaty. Though the blonde one "Bozes" she punched me pretty hard in the wound.

Pina: Oh, do you need it looked at?

Y/N: I've been hit harder. So back to my original question, why am I still here?

Pina: I was hoping you and I could talk.

Y/N: What do you want to talk about Princess?

Pina: I never got your a name.

Y/N: Lieutenant F/N L/N ma'am.

Pina: Lieutenant "L/N",  Are you Japanese?

Y/N: No ma'am, I'm an American and my country the United States of America is an ally of Japan.

I explain myself to her without going into too much detail.

Pina: So you're a "Marine" shouldn't you be at sea with your Navy?

Y/N: We fight our country's battles in the air, on land, and sea. We proudly bear the title of United States Marine ma'am.

Pina: Be truthful with me do you think Japan will attack after this incident?

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