Chapter 12: Diplomacy

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Kandahar, Afghanistan


We're out an a routine patrol approaching an large town, I ride shotgun in the second Humvee with three others behind us. Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" is playing on one of my marine's Bluetooth speaker. Suddenly some shots wiz past our vehicle.

Driver: Contact front!

Y/N: All Victors halt!

All of the vehicles halt

Driver: Why'd we stop sir?

Y/N: That was just some pot shots, they're trying to draw us into an ambush stand by.

Saber: *radio* Crusader this is Saber do you copy, over.

Y/N: This is Crusader 2-1 Actual, send traffic over.

Saber: *radio* Crusader, proceed into town and clear it out, how copy? Over.

Y/N: Solid copy Saber. Interrogative, the enemy could have already set an ambush break...Request permission to bypass how copy? Over.

Saber: *radio* Solid copy Crusader. Negative, proceed into town and clear out all hostiles.

Y/N: Fuck! *slams dashboard* That fucking POG Captain wants to score some glory his first time out.

Driver: What's the call Lieutenant?

I put a call on the radio to the platoon.

Y/N: All Crusader Victors, this is Crusader 2-1 Actual move forward and prepare to engage...Alright Marines, ready up and prepare for contact.

We proceed forward, the first vehicle enters the town. Then a massive explosion send the vehicle six feet in the air, slams into the ground, and it's on fire.

Y/N: IED!!!


I look on in horror as the Humvee burns. Time begins to slow down and the song plays it's chorus warped and distorted. The world also starts to become blurry I start to feel like I'm engulfed in flames. I try to brush it off but it won't come off. It starts to burn my flesh and I let out a blood curdling scream.


Alnus Hill, Y/N Quarters


I wake in a panic, hyperventilating, and covered in sweat. It was just a bad dream, but I haven't thought about Afghanistan in a long time. Kuribayashi is woken up by me and is trying to calm me down.

Kuribayashi: Hey, what's wrong?! Calm down!

My eyes are widened and my I'm still hyperventilating, Kuribayashi embraces me resting her head on my shoulder. My breathing starts to slow as I focus on her soft skin against mine.

Kuribayashi: It's alright...just relax, it was just a dream.

Y/N: I'm sorry...I don't want you to see me like this.

Kuribayashi: *kisses Y/N's lips* It's okay, lay back down.

She lays me back down still hugging me.

Kuribayashi: What did you dream about?

Y/N: Afghanistan, *sighs* even in a another world I can't seem to escape that.

Kuribayashi: But that wasn't your fault, right?

Y/N: I know, but those were still my Marines...and I couldn't save them.

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