Chapter 21: Piper

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After driving around and evading attempts on our lives we finally return to Rondel. Lelei drives us back now we need come up with a plan to strike back against the one orchestrating these hits on me and Lelei.

Itami: Been a while since we were here in Rondel.

Lelei: Do we honestly need to come back particular city Itami?

Itami: Well yeah of course we do. You have your conference.

Lelei: If I were to give up on my degree, we could be avoid deal of trouble.

Rory: But there's no guarantee that the assassins will stop looking for you.

Tuka: That's right, even is we go back to Alnus they would still be coming for you.

Y/N: True, and the last transmission we got from Command said that there's a bunch of multi-national dignitaries and press there. If head back there now and put the base on high alert just for the two of us. It'll be a diplomatic and media shit storm.

Itami: Exactly Lelei, let's go.

Later that night after he came back to the hotel we decided to set a trap for the assassins. We do this by stuffing our beds with pillows to make it look like we're sleeping. I hide in the closet with my weapon at the ready with Itami and the others. We hear multiple foot steps coming from the hallway.

Itami: *whisper* Okay Shandy...whatever you do, do not open your eyes.

Shandy: *whisper* O-Okay...

Itami: *whisper* Because if you do, then you're gonna be in big trouble.

Shandy: *whisper* Right. Okay!

Y/N: *whisper* Itami, hand me the banger.

Itami hands be a flash-bang as I peer through the closet door at the same time the front door opens. Three silhouettes enter the room Shandy hides in the corner covering herself with a blanket. I pull the pin on the flash-bang as the assassins draw their knives and leap onto the beds and start stabbing.

???: Gotcha!

???: It is done!

Itami: *whisper* Not this time fellas.

Y/N: *whisper* Banger out!

I toss the flash-bang into the room and close the door.

After it goes off the assassin are disoriented and Rory comes through the front door and quickly knocks out all three of the assassins. Shandy unfortunately didn't cover her eyes and is also disoriented and stumbles into the closet to goes into the fetal position. I come out with others with my rifle pointed the assassins. Grey also come through the front door.

Y/N: Grey tie them up. Tuka check the hallway.

Grey: On it.

Y/N: Lelei, can we get some light please?

Lelei lights the room up with her magic. Grey ties up the would be assassins who turn out to be the hotel porters. Those multi-colored gremlin lookin' mother fuckers. Tuka peeks out the door and clears the hallway and comes back inside.

Tuka: I think we're safe now. No one else seems to be coming down the corridor, Darling. It's all clear.

Hearing that sends a shiver up my spine, as Grey finish tying up the porters.

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