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It's going to be quite a ride, so buckle up, grab some tissues, and enjoy!

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It's going to be quite a ride, so buckle up, grab some tissues, and enjoy!

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you," chorused by 6 BTS members, gleefully grinning down at Jimin as he looks around happily. "Happy birthday, Park Jimin, happy birthday to you!"

Jimin smiles at them gratefully and blows out the candles. The members cheer and clap in excitement. To his right, his roommate Hoseok shouts, "Make a wish!"

"Aren't you supposed to make a wish before blowing out the candles?" Jimin asks. Hoseok waves his hand dismissively.

"It's okay, you can still do it," Taehyung encourages.

Jimin closes his eyes and envisions him being surrounded by his family and friends. He thinks about them being happy and healthy. And finally, he envisions his best friends—BTS members who have been there for him through thick and thin. He wishes that the special bond that they share will never break. Even when their prime is gone and their fame slowly fades, he wishes that they will still be together—laughing at dumb jokes, playing video games, and enjoy late dinners.

When Jimin's finished, he opens his eyes.

"Woah!" He exclaims in surprise, jolting back as he finds himself nose-to-nose with Jungkook, whose eyes are crinkling in excitement, a toothy grin on his face. Before Jimin can say anything else, he feels something cold and wet etched onto his nose.

"What...?" Jimin says, slowly raising his hand up to his nose. Whipped cream. He looks up at Jungkook, who still has on that delightful grin. He holds up a finger, smudged with cream.

"You're going down." Jimin says, his eyes narrowed and his voice low. With a start, he hops off the couch and chases after Jungkook, who is already hiding behind Namjoon and laughing his behind off.

"Stop!" Jungkook manages to squeak between laughter. Jimin keeps going—he's going to make sure that evil little thing gets it. Unfortunately, Namjoon standing between them is an obstacle he can't get through. Damn him and his height, Jimin thinks bitterly.

"Jiminie, come here, I have something for you," Hoseok calls out. Jimin turns to see him roommate holding up a silver box.

"Oh, hyung!" Jimin exclaims. "You didn't have to."

"Open it. It's nothing much," Hoseok insists.

Jimin digs through the box and pulls out a Luffy plushie. He smiles at it with adoration and pulls it to his chest. "Aww. I'll definitely have him up on the wall. Thank you!"

Hoseok beams at him. "You're welcome."

Jin makes his way over and wraps his arm around Jimin. "My cake was my present to you."

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