mini special: hickey

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Hello! It's been one year since I left Wattpad and so much has changed! I got my Master's and also married the man of my dreams

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Hello! It's been one year since I left Wattpad and so much has changed! I got my Master's and also married the man of my dreams. I took his last name, so I'm also a Kim now, haha. I downloaded Wattpad again and saw that Outlaws of Love (OoL) has 320k reads! That's amazing! I still remember finishing the first chapter and practically begging people to read it. I've been reading all your comments and enjoyed every minute of it. You guys are HILARIOUS. I miss Jikook, I miss BTS, and I'm super sad that they're in the ARMY. So naturally, that got me back into writing. So enjoy this mini Jikook story inspired by real events! Please note that all of these minis are not an extension of OoL. Be on a lookout for more! I've also been going back to this story and making edits. It's been 6 years since I wrote this book, so I cringed a lot at my old writing. I hope you guys also like the new cover! But okay, that's enough ranting. Enjoy!

"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin asks the BTS members, who are all scattered across the dance floor.

Namjoon heaves a sigh, pulling back his bangs so they don't cover his eyes. "I'm not sure. Maybe check the gym?"

"Yeah, I would start there," Taehyung says. He's sitting on the floor, his back against the mirror. He chews on his bottom lip, his expression sullen. Jimin feels bad that this particular practice session seems to have taken a toll on everyone. He checks his smartwatch - it's been 30 minutes since Jungkook left. He usually doesn't take this long of a break.

"I'm going to go look for him," Jimin states, and all the members nod.

"Let's take a break everyone," Yoongi suggests, stretching out his arm by looping one over the other. "We can pick this up tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me!" Jin gushes. He's the first one out the door. "I can get us dinner later?"

Hoseok gives him an awkward smile. "Yoongi and I are going to the movies tonight."

"Yeah...I've got plans tonight as well." Taehyung says, scratching at the back of his head. The guilt is apparent on his face.

"I'm down for dinner with you, hyung," Namjoon calls out.

Jin smiles at him and looks over at Jimin. "You wanna get dinner with us tonight?"

"Sure, but let me check on Jungkook first." Jimin replies on his way out.

As Jimin makes his way down the HYBE building, he can't seem to get rid of the uneasy thoughts that cloud his mind. So much has changed since their humble beginnings as BigHit trainees. They were once huddled together in a cramped bedroom, and their former practice room didn't even compare to a quarter of the size of their current one. While the changes have been for the better, Jimin can't help but occasionally yearn for those earlier days. He reminisces about the shared struggles with the members. Their troubles throughout their journey turned BTS members into each other's second family. Yet, over the past few months, an undeniable shift has taken place.The dynamics within the group have changed into an unfamiliar territory - a detachment that Jimin never wanted to feel. Despite the subtle changes, there is still a sense of closeness that binds them.

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