Chapter 1

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Today is the day, my last day in my birth village and my last few hours with my family. Icy chills crawled up my spine at the thought of leaving my mother and father, for a new life I never thought would exist for my blood line again.

Sunlight spilled from my window across the ragged wooden floor of my room, slightly warming my toes as I rose from my bed and walked across the room to the dresser. The soft sound of the awakening forest calmed the anxious thoughts that flooded my mind, however not enough for the thoughts to be completely washed away. I pulled out a orchard blue dress laced with white silk, and a matching ribbon to be later threaded through my wavy brown hair. It was custom that a new Lycan was to be best suited for such a blessing from the moon. However, my blessing was merely a nightmare that I wished I wouldn't have to have.

I slipped into my dress and cleaned my face with a washcloth from the fresh warm water father had retrieved and boiled for me, I neatly curled my hair into a low bun, intertwining the silky blue ribbon through it. I placed on my leather sandals, then closed my bedroom door behind me. The house was small, and not very decorative, but it was comfortable for just the three of us.

"Happy 18th Birthday pumpkin" mother whispered into my ear, softly embracing me in her delicate arms. Her sweet vanilla scent filled my nose, and the warmth of her arms lulled me into a moment of calmness.

"Morning mother" I softly spoke, trying to hide the fear of the future from my voice.

She took a step back releasing me from her hold before speaking. " You have no need to be scared pumpkin, everything is going to be just fine." Her voice was a soft chime to my ears, and her smile gave a sense of reassurance and happiness.
"Ok so you must stop stressing now and see your father, for your morning gift." She swung her identical wavy brown hair behind her shoulders, and wandered off to the kitchen. I guess my confidence of hiding my fear wasn't that strong against my mother.

I walked outside and was greeted with the fresh air surrounding the house and village, suddenly the hair stood tall on the back of my neck, I could sense someone was behind me, waiting. I lunged around, with no thought and was greeted by the bold presence of a man I loved most... my father.

"SUPRISE!" He yelled straight at me, holding a small wooden box in his hand.
"Happy birthday sweetie, this is from your mother and I." He handed me the tiny box and urged me to open it.

Inside the box was a silver pendent with a single moon crystal inside, it was beautiful.

"Do you like it?" A sense of panic was released in his words and face, until I met my brown eyes with his, and his old stubby face morphed into one of happiness. I engulfed him with a long loving hug. I truely am going to miss them. Father and I walked back to the house past the tall glooming trees, I wore my necklace with pride and I gave mother a twirl on the kitchen floor.

"You look gorgeous." A wide smile spread across her soft features.
"I'm going to miss you guys so much more than you can imagine." Sadness filled my body from my toes to my ears, a single tear trickled down my rosy cheeks and onto the floor.

"I'll miss you too my pumpkin" mother replied. She handed me a marmalade sandwich wrapped in a small cloth.
"Me too my princess, but this is for the best. And to bring back the honour of your great grandfather and the pack. Now come along we must be leaving now." Dad said almost slipping a tear himself.

I returned to my room and collected the bag of items I had gathered last night, I joined father on the path out the front of the house, embracing mother one last time. The forest was lush, and green with looming trees surrounding us. This was it, I was leaving most likely forever now. I will now become a Lycan as what the moon above has planned. We trailed off down the path, leaving one last wave behind.

After a couple of minutes and small conversations along the road we arrived at a small fence, separating me from the mysterious forest and my home village. Until I heard it, the slightest rustle in the tress ahead. My eyes gazed over to trees when I saw him... Beta Landon. His hazel eyes met mine, and a smirk sneaked onto his face. His chiseled jaw and dark brown hair complemented his strong features.

"Good morning, you must be Elora" His eyes looked deep into mine, before changing to my father presenting a hand out to greet him. My body was shot with nerves, and adrenaline burned through my veins. This is it, it is now or never no matter what the forest holds ahead...

Thank you guys for reading my first story, and I hope you enjoyed it! I will try to publish a chapter every day or second day. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment. Again thank you guys and I hope you will stay tuned for next week!


(Photo: Sebastian Unrau/Unsplash)

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