Chapter 19

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Eloras P.O. V

Not a single noise was heard, not a single breath nor twitch. My wolf cowered in my mind, I could feel her wither within me with every sharpened second.

"Just tell me! Damn Jay just end this!" It felt as if my throat tightened with every word, constricting the pleading cries from escaping.

Tiffany's evil smirk plastered across her face, sending chills down my spine. She was only a pup for the moons sake!

"Elora... The knife... It was Landons. He was the bearer of its power. The blade is believed to kill hundreds of our kind if placed in the wrong hands. Only he is able to attain it out of us, he was the chosen one. But once the bearer is murdered, only then he shall be replaced with the killer." Everything was coming in way too fast. What does this all mean, why did Tiffany want it? My wolf howled for Jays, to comfort him. But something is wrong, if the new bearer of the blade was the murderer, why didn't I have it? I'm the one who killed him.

"Oh come on Jay be fair now, tell her and why not all seven packs who beholds the blade now?" Tiffany looked him in the eyes, like daggers stabbing into his skull. Small whispers erupted from the crowd. What the hell was taking so long?

Jay gulped, tears welled in his eyes. Whimpers escaped Laurels lips as they made contact.

"Now!" Someone screamed breaking the deafening silence. A tall muscular man swung into action behind Tiffany. Giving her absolute no time to respond, between the stampeding army and the mysterious man. He latched on her tiny waist, prying away her grasp on Laurel. Screams and groans pierced the air, and the metal smashing together made my insides cringe. Laurel had twisted upon Tiffany now hovering above her with a bejewelled blade. Tiffany squirmed under her as the unknown man ripped a gold chain upon her neck.

"You sneaky brat!" He spat, sending saliva all over her body. Cries poured from her mouth, choking her as laurel still hovered. The chain was thrown across the dirt, gradually becoming hidden beneath the storming warriors.

"Who sent you!" Laurel screeched. I stood at her side, as Jay and mystery man attacked Tiffany's 'father'.

"Who do you think!" Tiffany directly spat into Laurels face. I could see her canines begin to sharpen, as she boiled with anger. Her blade rose in the air... She was going to kill her!

"Laurel N--!" I screamed, yanking her arm back. But I was too late.

A loud crunch was heard as the knife plummeted into her skull, right between the eyes. Bile swam up my throat as I watched the helpless body fall limp to the ground, and deep red blood soak into the ground beneath. I quickly stood up, covering my hands over my mouth as my breathing become laboured. I stared at Laurel still hovering over the body, repeating what had happened in my head over and over.

"Laurel what the hell! She was just a child!" I grabbed onto her arm, this time pulling her with enough force to drag her away. It was if nothing happened, as if she did nothing. Her face was normal except for the corrupt grin she held. Who was she, this was not the Laurel I knew but merely another murderer of the forest.

"She deserved it... She was with them."  Her every word reeked of disgust, and hatred. By them I knew she meant the vampires.

"She was still only a child!" I fought back.

"For the moons sake Elora! Wake up to yourself for once in your life! She threated the packs, she made a fool of you and the Alpha. She had the banned pendent. And still your standing up for her. Your lucky none of us were killed!" She was turned to me now, remaining blood still dripping off the blade. That's when I realised why Tiffany had been so powerful. She had a banned moon crystal, increasing all her strengths by ten, even though she was still just a pup.

Jay jogged over, as the man dragged the two lifeless bodies away.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing... But Laurel I guess you are right." I replied my voice sounding stronger now that Jay was here.

"Help me find that pendent." Laurel ordered, in command we all scattered the grounds, scuffling away the dirt around us. Until I noticed the gold glint, as sunlight streamed against it. Dusting it off I held it in the palm of my hand. Its strange shape was extremely familiar, with a large crescent moon carved into a moon stone. It was an exact replica of mine only gold, not my silver looking colour. I placed the two side by side, comparing them within my hands. I shoved both into my pocket before Laurel and Jay had seen. There was something up between them and eventually this will be my only way of finding out. I needed answers...

I walked back over to Laurel and Jay, still searching desperately for the already found weapon.

"Its no where to be seen," I lied.

"Crap... Ill send some troops to find it while we muster up the warriors. We have a battle on our hands right now, and we mustn't hold off the travel any later." He began to walk away before I reached for his hand, pulling it into mine.

"Jay what are you not telling me?" I whispered, slowly he brought his hand up to my cheek, again sending chills down my spine. 

"Later Mi Amore..." He let me go again, removing the burning he had against my cheek. And walked away.

"Everyone in position, we are leaving now!" His voice boomed against the still forest breeze. Pushing everyone in a marching hurdle.

What was he hiding and why wouldn't he tell me? I am supposed to be his Luna and wife right?


Hi Everyone!

GEEZ! its been forever. I hope that you like this chapter, sorry about the small violence and gore. But overall I hoped you enjoyed it and if you did don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.


RoseyRoses101 ❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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