Chapter 7

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I slowly opened my eyes, darkness embraced me

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I slowly opened my eyes, darkness embraced me. My head felt as if it had been hit with a hammer, one hundred times. I was lying in my double bed, it must be about midnight. I pulled the sheets off my legs, and tried to fight the dizziness in my skull as I sat up.

"El lay back down, you fell really bad." Jay whispered as he grabbed my arm, softly pulling me back onto the bed. I lied back down next to him, staring into the nothing above me.

"Jay, please tell me this was all a dream." I whispered turning my head to look at him. His face was lightly dimmed by the moonlight outside the window. His features saddened, and his eyes full of pain. His hand, lightly combed through my hair, his hands trembling.

"Im so sorry Elora." His voice was shallow, and dull. My mind broke completely, and my body turned to stone. My eyes flooded with salty tears, that fell onto my cheeks like waterfalls. I started to hyperventilate, as it felt like my lungs were trapped by an enclosing rib cage. Jay pulled me on top of him, I rested my head on his warm chest, as my tears soaked his shirt. His arms rested around my waist. His touch burning through my skin.

"Jay, who killed my parents?" I managed to ask, between shallow breaths and tears.

"We think it might be criminals in the village... but we're not certain yet. Your family wasn't the only ones, there were many others who have died or gone missing."

"Okay..." Was the only thing my mind could comprehend. My heart was shattered into tiny delicate shards, like a smashed mirror. That was my home being taken, that was my childhood vanished...My eyes filled with tears again as I thought of my family gone forever.

"El, a moon can only hold itself with gravity, without one another the universe is nothing, but darkness. I promise to hold you forever in our night sky till dawn sets us apart. We are strong... you are strong. That's what makes you and your lycan." His voice was soft, lulling me into a deep sleep.


The suns golden glow sunk into the floor boards, the soft sheets resting on top of Jay and I. His heart beats were peaceful, and his arms gently cradled my body. I didn't have time to cry anymore, I had to grow up and find justice for my forest, and my parents. I gently traced my fingers over Jays perfect features, he had done a lot for me the past couple of days, he deserved to have his peace. His eyes slowly fluttered open, a tired smirk pulled across his face.

"Good morning" he said running a hand through his messy hair.

"Morning, sorry about your shirt" I happily said, staring into his eyes.

"Not a problem" He slowly rolled me over onto my back, planting a kiss on my forehead. Tingles shot through me, I'll never get used to his touch.

"Well we better get training, then leave back to the pack. I can't sit around here all day waiting for my parents murder to get justice itself." I said pushing him back onto the other side of the bed, standing up to walk over to the dresser.

"Sound like a good plan, I'm really proud that you've gotten through the situation so fast. Omelette for breakfast?" A sweet smile appeared on his face.

"Sounds delicious." I giggled back, turning back to my dresser pulling out an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt, perfect for training.


I pulled my silver sword out from my belt, it glittered in the morning light, ready for battle. Jay pulled out a silver sword similar to mine, however his had a gold handle with a image of a howling wolf centred on it.

"This used to be your great grandfathers, passed down through each Alpha of the Amber Pack. You can have it if you want, it's truely your families." Jay held out the sword to me, waiting for me to take it.

"No its yours, your the Alpha not me. And anyway, my great grandfather gave it to your family once he married my mortal great grandmother." I replied shaking my head, pushing the sword back towards Jay. A large pearly white smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you so much my luna." He replied happily. 'My luna' the two words echoed through my mind, I was Luna... I hadn't really thought about it. I was second in command, I had the power. I immediately felt stronger, this was who I was meant to be.

"Well don't just stand there, come at me!" I giggle leaping towards Jay.

The sounds of clashing metal shrieked through the forest, Jay was really skilled, his balance was on point and his swift movements were quick and strategic. Every straight on attack he dodged, moving to the side and then swiping me.

"Focus on your balance, once you control your it everything will fall into place." He instructed.

I repositioned my footing and swiped again, however I still missed him, my body felt awkwardly uneven.

"Just a minute" Jay ran back to the cabin, this time with a second sword. He passed it too me. Instructing me to hold both swords at once.

"Ok try now."

I lunged at him, swiping my right sword at him. The clash of the swords ringed through the air. My body was balanced, fighting with two swords, it felt surprisingly natural. Jay continued pushing the swords closest to me, with all his strength. Until, I swung my left sword towards his stomach, he immediately leaped back surprised at this action, I used his shock to my advantage, swinging my right sword up above our heads and straight onto his sword. It flew through the air, both our eyes watching it slice through the air and land tip down into the grass beside us. Jays jaw hung open looking at his sword.

"What the..." Jay was gobsmacked at the use of my sword skills.

"What is with you boys thinking I can't fight." I sarcastically said, giggling at the expression on Jays face.

"Wow... not a lot of people can fight with two swords, or win a battle against an Alpha."

"I'm just special" I replied, picking up Jays sword from the ground and handing it too him.

"Yes, you'll definitely be special once we return to the Pack today." He smirked, looking back into the forest.

Excitement rushed through my blood, at the thought of returning back to the pack as their Luna. However, it wasn't long that the thought of seeing Landon hurt from this mate ship, poisoned my veins.

I guess we'll have to see this afternoon...

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to VOTE and follow my profile to find out Landon's reaction.



Music: All your love- Flight facilities


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