Chapter 2

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A single, warm tear fell silently down my face, as I met my fathers gaze one last time.
"Bye father, I love you and mother very much, I'll be visiting the closest summer." My voice was shallow and shaken, my heart was beating too hard for my fragile chest. He returned my glassy gaze with a single wave.

"We love you Elora, never forget that you are stronger than you think sweetheart."
My heart began to melt, I could no longer feel my own body. Until Landon's booming voice broke through my numbness.

"It is time, we must be getting on the track now." Landon directed, he turned his body towards the leafy castle, his open arm offered his guidance as I linked arms with his, I broke from my frozen shell and carried on into the forest. His touch was warmer than the usual human male, identical to my own. It was a strange feeling I have never felt before with someone.

"I can't do this Landon I'm sorry, I'm not ready." I managed to choke out, we were just in the entrance of the forest now, the trees tall with striking beauty.

"Elora, I know we have never met before, but the beauty you hold and the strength I can sense from your Lycan, is stronger than any other Lycans apart from Alpha Jays. You have the blood of an Alpha, and it is impossible also dangerous for you to stay with your family." His warm tone, helped relax my shoulders, and his hazel eyes stared into mine, my heart began to race faster, not because of my Lycan future or my family, but from something I have never felt before.

"Ah.... thanks" I whispered.
"No problem, now tell me about yourself." His intrigued smile, couldn't help but make me laugh.
"Ok well, I live on the outskirts of the Amber village, and I've known many of the original villagers since I was born. However many have left due to the rising myths of the cold ones. But hey, there not really real." I was confident and proud of where I lived so it was quite comfortable to talk about it with Landon.

"Well I sure hope there not real..." he whispered under his breath I could just make out what he had said. But I know for sure, that the cold ones were only myths to scare off criminals from the village when I was young.

We followed along the overgrown mossy path, intertwining between multiple Lodgepole pine trees and lush green shrubs. The forest was long gone awake now and alive with buzzing, rustling and the quiet hops of rabbits nearby. My connection with the forest has always been strong from when Haleth and I used to play here as children.

"Well, since we have a while before we reach the pack, I want to know what exactly I'm going to be doing as a Lycan." I looked at Landon who was fixing a buckle on his backpack.

"Ok, when we get back to the Amber pack you'll be settled into your own tent, it's small but just enough space for you and your gear. Tomorrow morning I will take you to the pack training grounds to start your trading as a Lycan warrior." Landon spoke with ease, he then slowed our pace and turned to me.

"Wow... is it that quick. No welcoming or birthday party for me or anything?"

"Sorry but no, but happy birthday. Alpha Jay is very busy working on pack cases. However after your first week, you'll leave with him for two days to become an Alpha warrior and learn how to shift into your true form."

"...sounds like fun..." I spoke under my breath. My body shook at the thought of becoming a warrior, and my head burned at the thought of having to meet the Alpha. The cool forest air felt nice against my burning skin, and the company of Beta Landon wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be.

After an hour of fumbling through the forest we came to a clearing, laid with soft grassy fields and scattered daisies. The golden sun blanketed across the packs scattered tents and fires. This was going to be my forever home. Landon was still with me, the strong scent of my kind layered the air around me. And the sight of working pack members, sent an unexpected excited ness through my blood. Everyone stared at me as Landon led me towards a small canvas tent surrounded by green bushes and ageing mosses.

"Well here you go, spend the day to get comfortable and look around, I might come see you tonight if you don't mind of course?" His voice was softer and more quiet than usual, and his forest eyes wandered toward the ground.

"I'd love you too, and thank you for making me feel welcome." I smiled and his white teeth gleamed once again.

"I'll see you tonight Elora" he wandered back towards another tent next a large tent I assumed was the Alphas. Inside mine was a single bed with a set or wooden drawers, the floor was hard packed dirt with a cotton rug laid along it. It was bare and different. The sun slowly hid behind the stretched forest trees turning the sky's into pinks and dark oranges.

After an hour of inspecting the pack grounds, the night was filled with bright stars and a large glistening full moon, its light beamed down onto the busy fire pits. I sat alone on a log next to the furthest fire from the camp.

"Hey, so how do you like the place? Sorry I had to leave there has been some incidents in the forest." The welcoming voice of Landon, accompanied me on the log.

" I just want to say, thank you for everything you have done for me today, especially after this new lifestyle I was born into." I whispered so just the two of us could hear.

"That's fine Elora, I'm glad your just happy." His hand swept up to my cheek and swept my hair behind my ear. His touch was soft, and tingles filled my body.
His eyes stared deep into mine and my body fell numb in his. He pulled in closer, so we were face to face, his soft pink lips pressed to my cheek gently, before slowly pulling away. Adrenaline filled my body and butterflies took over.

"Goodnight Elora" he whispered before leaving back to his tent. Mother moon sure has her ways on a cold starry night.

I hope you all are enjoying Eloras adventure so far! And what do you think of Landon? Sorry for the long chapter, I've decided I'm going to try to publish every day or every second day. So stay tuned! And don't forget to follow me to keep updated.




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