Chapter 14

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I had just shot someone...

Laurel and I's jaw dropped in synch. Shock jolted my body forward, before I knew it, I was sprinting towards the limp body. Laurel wasn't far behind me, the sound of pounding feet on the hard dirt, filled my ears. We were almost at the path on which the dead body lie.

"NO!!!" Laurel cried out in pain. Her body huddled over the dead one. I couldn't see who it was, while Laurel was covering the person I just murdered.

"ILL GO GET HELP!" I sprinted faster than I had before. The hospital was on the other side of the camp, it was going to take me about five minutes to get there on foot. I decided the most efficient thing to do was to shift. I shifted mid sprint, tearing my clothes to thin shreds. I pounded straight for the hospital, not much further now.

"ELORA WHATS GOING ON!?" Jay yelled out, immediately shifting and following behind.

"I shot someone!" I thought to Jay, my thoughts sounding panicked. I couldn't believe, I accidentally done this. I've killed someone, and there's not going back now.

"Ill tell you later, go help Laurel behind at the archers path, I'm going to get help!" I directed Jay. He immediately turned around, and made his way towards Laurel. Thankfully, I was almost at the hospital. I shifted straight away, I didn't care if I stood there naked, I needed help.

"HELP! HELP! SOMEONES BEEN SHOT!" I yelled, my heart was racing, and I was in full panic mode. Many nurses and doctors, rushed behind me, following my every step to the body, as our Lycans.


"Your going to be ok, Stay with me, you can't die. Not now, please..." Choked Laurel, her voice was soft but filled with pain, tears falling from her face like a waterfall.

"Brother! Come on, keep on fighting!" Yelled Jay, his voice fierce, panicked and sad. It hadn't clicked immediately at who I had shot... I had shot Landon. My stomach ached with guilt, but there wasn't anything I could do. I started to ball my eyes out. I loved Landon... and I just killed him.

I pushed myself through Laurel and one of the doctors speeding down notes. I could clearly see his pale, lifeless face. Eyes shut closed, and his chest cold still. My salty tears streamed down my face landing onto Landons blue bloodstained t-shirt. I looked down at his stomach, a straight black arrow bursting from his lower left side. Bright red blood spilled furiously from the arrow. The sight of it filled my eyes with red rage, I had done this, I had put this arrow into Landon. I had made the perfect shot. I screamed loud in rage, my face red and puffy. I grabbed onto the arrow swiftly ready to yank it out.

"ELORA STOP!" Jay grabbed my hand urgently, stopping me from pulling the arrow from what was once Landon's intestines.

"WHY ITS NOT LIKE ITS GOING TO HURT HIM! LANDON IS DEAD!" I screamed the loudest I had ever screamed before. This scream filled with anger and grief, making my blood boil to its max.

"ELORA HE'S NOT DEAD YET! I SWEAR TO THE MOON THAT IF YOU PULL THE ARROW FROM MY MATE, I WILL SHOOT IT INTO YOU!" The way that Laurel stared at me was lethal, I know it's cliche, but if looks could kill I'd have one-thousand perfectly shot arrows impaling my body.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES NOT DEAD?!" I replied through loud sobs, I couldn't believe that Landon was alive.

"LANDON IS BREATHING, BUT SLIGHTLY SO WE HAVE TO MOVE NOW!" Laurel was in full panic mode now. Everyone shifted Landon onto a stretcher, if he wasn't dead he was sure close to it. The nurses pressed white rags, that reeked of alcohol onto and around Landon's wound, as everyone rushed towards the tent. Many of the pack villagers shrieked and gasped at the sight of Landon as we ran through the village. It was unusual for Landon's body not to heal so quickly, however I assumed it was the arrow blocking the way.

That's when Laurels words raced through my mind again. 'If you pull the arrow from my mate, I will shoot it into you.' Everything clicked into place, Laurels unusual worry for someone injured as a commander, was because her and Landon are mates.

I had no Ideas how long they have been mates for, wether they were mates when Landon confessed his feelings to me. Or they had recently became mates when I was busy with Jay. Multiple thoughts and mixed feelings flung my stomach around in circles. How could neither of them tell me about it. Everything between Landon and I was in the past, so there was no issue for either of them telling me.

I smacked the thoughts viciously out of my head, I didn't care right now if they were mates or not, I had a duty to make sure Landon was going to make it. Laurels tears were still streaming down her cheeks, her eyes set on Landon's every dying breath. I could see the guilt and sadness that overthrew her face. No one spoke as we raced around the last corner to the hospital, yet Landon was still unconscious and hadn't healed, something was very wrong.

"Nurses and doctors are immediately allocated to ward room twelve. I need a surgeon in scrubs ready to operate in five minutes." Doctor Ann directed, we carried Landon into room twelve surrounded by many nurses with drips and needles, ready to operate right away. Is body still lifeless on the operating table.

"On no..." whispered the surgeon.

"What's... what's wrong?!" I shrieked, struggling to get to Landon, as Laurel and I were pushed away by two doctors.

"Ladies you must leave." The two doctors instructed.

"No! I need to be with him!" I replied through, sobs.

Jay grabbed my hand and pulled me away. Laurel was already standing at the back of the hall heart broken.

"Elora, let him go..." whispered Jay numbing my ugly sobs.

Laurel and I were overloaded with fear. Something was wrong with Landon's lycan and there was no going back....

This is all my fault...

Hello! Thank you all for reading and don't forget to VOTE! Comment what you think of this chapter. I really appreciate you all reading this far :).

BYE 👋🏻



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