Chapter 18

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Eloras P.O.V

The Moons blanket peacefully covered the ever growing field, glittering the snow under her light.

"Jay..." I caressed his face in my palms, the feelings of excitement, fear and love, continued to whirl throughout my body.

"Oh honey... Yes!" My body shuddered with excitement, as his arms pulled me into his.

"I love you so much Elora." His whispers were soft on my skin, slowly trailing down to my neck. His breath turned hot, and warmed my skin as he continued.

"Wait Jay." Pulling his face up to mine, a single tear fell.

"Is it something I did wrong?" Jay was clearly concerned, his jaw tightened, pulling back off my body.

"No! No... it's not that I don't want to marry you. I'm just scared, that we won't get married."

"What do you mean?" His face softened. Cupping my cheek in his hand.

"I'm worried that one of us isn't going to make it out of this war." Another tear fell sliding down my pale cheek. I was truly concerned that one of us wouldn't make it to the wedding. And I was certain it was going to happen.

"Don't be silly Elora. I've promised once before I won't let you get hurt. What makes any difference now?" A thumb carefully wiped away my tears. I pressed my hands flat against his chest. Feeling his toned body underneath.

"I know, and I believe you. But who's protecting you? I don't want to live the rest of my life knowing that my mate is never coming back. Or witness the pack, mourn another brother. You can't die..." My heart stung with every beat, my eyes now transformed into flowing waterfalls.

"I'm the Alpha, I will stand and do for everything that I love. I promise to the moon goddess, that for the rest of my days, I will live them out peacefully with you Mi Amore." The whispers were soft, engulfing me in a moment of true love.

Our bodies together as one found peace in the night. Forgetting the worries that tortured our soul with every second. Every moment of love wandered throughout the field, swaying in the dark with fear.


In the eve of the fight, the packs leaked with fear. Dawn had arose, and women crowded the fields with food and linen. Young children were hushed asleep by older siblings, to keep peace before the awakening of the preparations. The snow lightly sprinkled the scattered tents, like icing sugar on a sweet pastry.

The night had been quiet, only Jay and I to occupy it. Which in my mind, was the most perfect way to celebrate an engagement.

"Morning, why are you up so early?" Large soft arms wrapped around my tiny waist.

"Couldn't sleep. I'm just so nervous and excited about well.... everything." The heat from the coffee mug warmed my hands, slowly heating my body with every sip of the precious liquid.

"Ahh don't worry, it's not like anyone knows I am yours." Jays quiet chuckles tickled my skin, his hot breath once again lingering on my neck. Whenever Jay was so close he sent shivers down my spine, sending blood rushing throughout my body.

"Shhhhh! Keep it down, I don't want all seven packs to know I'm getting married to a big mouth." We both chuckled, it was agreed that the real celebrations wouldn't begin until after the war.

"Well I guess I don't want to share seven packs with my one Luna." My breathing grew with every hot kiss against my body. I was no longer myself, but an internal wolf bound with his.

"Ah sorry to interrupt Alpha and Luna... but you really must come to see this." Elder Dom stood in the doorway, puffing and panting like no other.

"Sure, just give us a minute." Jays voice was annoyed and his smirk straightened into a tight line.

"I'm sorry to beg Alpha, but this cannot wait any longer." Dom rushed out of the tent, hushing us to follow.

"Next time we need to got a lock on this tent." Jay grasped my hand squeezing it tight.

The sun was at peak, creeping further and further out from the horizon. Every soul was alive and on task, rushing around preparations for the war.

"Over here!" Dom squeezed through the circle of guards, making a path for Jay and I to the centre.

My gut twisted into knots sending bile straight to my throat. The hair on my skin changed to needles, stiff with fear. I tightened my grip to Jay, unaware of what's to come. The guards stood prepared to attack for what stood in the middle.

Jays hand left mine, further pushing into the centre by himself. I was left alone pushing through the crowd frantically, urgently trying to make it to the middle.

"Surrender now!" The powerful, commanding voice boomed off the warriors silver armour. My skin shivered with every step, something was definitely wrong.

One. Last. Push. Was all it took to see my nightmares together in one.

An open circle surrounded by a wall of guards, trapped Laurel and Tiffany.

"LET HER GO IMMEDIATELY!" Again Jays voice boomed, but this time I could see where it was coming from. He stood directly in front of Laurel and Tiffany.

"Not unless you give me the blade." A smirk curled on the small face.

"You'll never get that blade, and you know it!"

"Well I'll guess she'll have to die, along with her unborn children." Tiffany tightened her hold on Laurels neck. Every inch of me was numb. Why did Jay not tell me about Laurel!?

"How could you betray us?!" Jay took two steps closer towards the hostage. Every step twisted my stomach tighter and tighter.

"Ha! This was my plan all along, I'm not some sweet innocent girl, who's mother died! If you want me to let your precious leader go, I need that blade." Laurel stood still not making a single movement. Not only was Tiffany threatening her life. But her 'father' held Laurel tight in place.

"Jay! What blade is she talking about?!" I was surprised when my weak voice came out stronger than I thought.

"I'll inform you later Luna." Jays contact didn't leave Laurel, I could clearly see the concern for his best friend.

"Wrong choice Alpha, you talk about how much you love your beloved Luna. Even asking her to marry you! But you can't even trust her with the knowledge of a dagger. Well too late to tell her now, you have five seconds to give it to me, before I slit Laurels throat." The air instantly tensed and my heart pumped in my throat. I was going to be sick.


Hey Everyone!
I'm soooo sorry for the very late chapter. But I hope you loved this one. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter.

Have a nice day!
RoseyRoses101 ❤️


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