It stung

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*wassup guys...Linz here. I shall save you from the pit of doom and skip me changing his diaper. Okay? Okay.*

So after stickin the diaper in her face, I told Justiss she had to watch him cuz I was gonna vlog. I walked up stairs and set up. I tweeted I was gonna post a vid and people went nuts. But whatever. Tots the norm, cha

But I hit the button and sat on my bed. "Hey guys! Its Lindsey. I wanted to do a video today cuz it's moving day! yay! Not really. But! I won't make you sad cuz Im sad. Im happy in a crazy way! I get to go to vidcon an meet a bunch of you guys!!! So go buy your tickets! Right now! Cuz I wanna see all yo b-e-a-utiful face!"

--another majestic time skip--

"So! Follow me on twitter, Instagram, FB, and give this vid a big thumbs up! also subscribe if you haven't already! bye! BOOM" and I stopped recording.

I sat back down on my bed and then started packing again. I put all my bracelets in my bag and packed all those little things. Haha. Then I grabbed my laptop and edited my vid. then I posted it.

So now its like 1pm and it was about time to leave. We put our stuff in the truck and started to drive to Anchorage.

After 5 hours, we got to the airport. and I had to say goodbye. I hugged Jon and kissed him on the cheek. Then I hugged the diva Justiss, and now I was as tall as her. ha! But I told her to watch herself with that boyfriend of hers. Then there was Alexis. Still single and still pretty. I didnt wanna let go. I told her to take care of Coco,my brown lab, and to not get raped. Which we both laughed at. She told me to take it easy and then we went into the airport. I looked back and saw them crying. It stung. Real bad.

Okay? Okay... (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now