Chapter 2: Residents from Arendelle

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Heidi's POV

I pull away from Harry and walk over to my brother wrapping my arms around him giving him a huge hug. "You have no idea how much I have missed you." I whisper into Hadie's ear as he tightens his grip on me. "Really? Because I have to say little sister you didn't even cross my mind once." I pull away from him looking at him directly in his eyes, and let me tell you if looks could kill my brother would be laying on the grass right now. "I am only joking little sister." Hadie laughs as Ella walks over to the two of after finishing up her conversation with Ben. "Heidi." I turn my attention to Ella giving her a huge hug as well. "You really should have gone with us, you would have loved Arendelle, and before you ask Alyssa will be here in a week or two because she and her boyfriend will be arriving together." I nod my head but again I feel out of the loop, I was not aware that Alyssa had a boyfriend. "How was Arendelle big brother?" I ask knowing that he had been dreading it ever since Ella told him about it. "It was nothing like home, but overall the trip was pleasant and full of new experiences." I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see Hadie as happy as he seems. It is at this moment that I suddenly remember that Hadie and Ella did not come alone. "How are the three that you came back with you?" I ask and just like that Ella's eyes lit up like my father does when he bursts into flames. "Heidi I would like you to meet Oscar, he is very close friends of mine, and he is the son of Olaf." Oscar is very handsome I must say. He has short blonde hair, and a small white hooped earring. On his body he is wearing a white muscle tank top, a white beaded bracelet around his left wrist, around his neck is a light blue chain with a dog tag attached to it but I can't make out what it says, a pair of black jeans with a white belt, and a pair of black sneakers with white laces. "Nice to meet you." He cocks a dazzling smile before lifting my hand to his lips and placing a small kiss on it. The next person Ella introduces is the girl, but I am more interested in the boy that seems to be lurking in the background but also keeping very close to Ella. "This is Shannon, she is also a very close friend of mine." Shannon has dark brown hair, light brown studded earrings in her ears, a beautiful white shirt, a light brown skirt, a necklace around her neck with two antlers on it, and a pair of brown high heeled boots with fur on the top of them. "Hello, I'm Shannon, and my father is Sven." Shannon wraps me up in a hug, "Ella has told me so much about you, and judging by the look of you I would have to say that she wasn't lying." Shannon comments before wandering off to talk with the others, and finally Ella walks over to the guy that has been lurking behind her, but to my surprise she grabs the guy hand, and as she pulls him over to me I finally get to see him. He has blonde hair, his lip is pierced on the right side of his mouth, he has on a blue T-shirt, very washed blue jeans with rips at the knees, and a pair of light blue sneakers with light blue laces to match. "Heidi, this is Ethan, or as I call him my older brother." I look at Ella then to Ethan with a look of shock and aw on my face. Words don't come out of my mouth at first because I am not sure what to say, and finally I am able to form words again, "Your brother?" I ask making sure that I heard her right, and Ella nods her head happily as Ethan just scowls. "You never mentioned that you had a brother." Ella sighs releasing Ethan from her grasp, and suddenly Ethan slowly goes back to standing behind Ella. "I am sorry about not telling you, but Ethan is a free spirit, and doesn't come home every often, and when he appeared in Arendelle over vacation I begged him to come and try Auradon Prep for a semester." I am still a little overwhelmed, and not sure what to say to Ella. "Is he more like your mother or your father?" I ask wanting to know why Ethan seemed to be acting so strangely. "Ethan is just like my dad once he gets to know you and settles in." I look at Ethan again wondering just how long that would take because judging from the look on his face he was not pleased to be anywhere near here. "I am willing to welcome our newcomers, because like Ben I give everyone the benefit of the doubt." Ella quickly hugs me again before she suddenly gasps and pulls away. "I almost forgot to tell you what I learned about my family while I was home." Ella digs into her purse and pulls out a crumpled up and old looking piece of paper. "Look at this." Ella unfolds the paper and on it tells the story of her family tree. "Why are you showing me your family tree?" I ask and Ella suddenly points to someone, the woman has blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. "This is my great aunt Sambala or otherwise known as the Snow Queen." My eyes go huge as I turn my attention from the paper in front of me to Ella. "The Snow Queen was your great aunt, and that would make you related to Sienna." Ella nods her head with sadness in her eyes. A painful headache suddenly comes out of nowhere, and it is so strong that I almost fall over. "You okay Heidi?" Ella asks getting everyone's attention especially Harry's "It's nothing, just a lot to take it all at once." I shake my head and close my heads and just like that the pain goes away.  

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