Chapter 21: Meeting Hayden

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Heidi's POV

I knock multiple time on the dorm room in front of me, and seconds later Madeline opens the door rubbering her eyes. "Heidi, do you know what time it is?" I nod my head and sigh. "I am sorry to wake you Madeline, but I really need to talk to Ally." As soon as I say her name Ally appears in the door way in her light blue rode. "What is it Heidi?" I hold up the diamond in my hand. "I had another black out, and this time it is serious." Ally nods her head whispering something into Madeline's ear before stepping into the hallway and closing the bedroom door behind her. "What happened this time." Ally takes my hand as the two of sit down the floor in front of her dorm room. "The last thing I remember I was sleeping in bed with Harry, and then I am standing at the edge of the bridge holding this. "Ally looks at the object in my hand then looks back to me. "Is there something important about this item?" my eyes go wide while I am nodding my head. "This is the diamond that my father gave Hadie, it has special powers, and Hadie was supposed to hide it." Ally takes my hand holding up the diamond. "It would seem that your brother didn't do such a great job." I sigh dropping the diamond on the ground. "Why would you find yourself at the bridge, it is not like you could have crossed over." I incline my head because you can't cross the barrier without bringing down the barrier. "I don't know Ally, but things are getting serious, and I think it is time that I tell Fairy godmother." Ally places her finger on her cheek trying to think of anything that could explain things, and a sudden light bulb goes off in Ally. "You just reminded me of something." Ally opens the door to her dorm room and pulls me inside and closes the door. "That person I told you about found some information that might shed some light on what is going on." Ally turns on her desk lamp and starts digging through her drawer. "Who did you ask anyways Ally." Ally pulls out a couple of papers turning to face me. "Just someone that owed me a favor." I put the necklace on the table as Ally and I sit on her bed as she starts reading through the papers. "According to this there is only one other case that is similar to what you are talking about." I look at the papers in Ally's hands. "Does it give a name?" Ally doesn't answer me as she keeps reading. A few seconds later as Ally finishes the first page she sighs. "The only names that are mentioned are Dr. Jekyll and someone else named Mr. Hyde." In that moment it feels like everything stopped, "Did you say Mr. Hyde?" Ally nods her head, "Have you heard of either of them?" I shake my head taking the paper from Ally. "I have never met either of them, but Mark told me that Mr. Hyde is trapped on the Isle, and that he is the only one that can give me answers about what is going on." Ally puts her finger under a word. "According to this, Dr. Jekyll suffered from what some people call dissociative identity disorder, otherwise known multiple personality disorder." I look at Ally like she is speaking another language. "In plain English please." Ally smile at me rolling her eyes playfully. "Simply put, it would seem that there is you who is Heidi, and then there is another person altogether that is separate from you." I place my head in my hands trying to wrap my brain around this information. "That explains the blackouts and the loss of time, when that happens it means that this other you was in control." I look up at Ally. "How do I stop this person from taking over?" Ally shuffles through the papers. "That isn't in here, sorry Heidi." I take a deep breath and let it out. "Does it say anything about what caused this to happen to me?" Ally nods her head, and before she can say anything, I clutch my head as I get lightheaded suddenly, and I close my eyes to stop the room from spinning.

Hayden's POV

I open my eyes, and turn my dark gaze to Ally, "It would seem that something traumatic would have had to happen to you for you create this person to help you deal with it. I nod my head pretending to Heidi. "I can't thank you enough Ally, you went far beyond what I could have expected." Ally smiles at me giving a hug and I cringe as I give her back. "I should get going, I need to tell Harry about what is going on." Ally and I stand up and head to the door. "I will keep reading and let you know what I find, and Heidi don't worry we will get to the bottom of this once and for all." I give her a fake smile nodding my head as I open the door, "Heidi, what is the name of the that girl sleeping over there?" I look over at the strange girl sleeping in the bed. "She must be new, and I just haven't time to talk to her." Ally sighs closing the door. "And that would make you the other personality." I growl at Ally and cross my arms over my chest. "Color me impressed." Ally walks over to the table picking up my diamond. "And to think that you were going to leave without this." I snatch the necklace out her hand. "If you are going to pretend to be my best friend, then you should try getting to know the people in her life, I have known you have been out since Heidi got lightheaded."

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