Chapter 35: Unfamiliar

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Hayden's POV

Morris falls to the side of me breathless, "That is way better then I remember." I say smiling trying to catch my breath. Morris laughs as he places his arm behind his head and looks up at the ceiling. "We both have improved." I curl up on Morris's bare chest and inhale in his scent, and I suddenly feel like I am home. "I have missed you Morris." I say in a soft voice that is almost like a whisper. Morris leans his head down placing a soft kiss on my head. "I have missed you too doll face." I smile as I hear the nickname that Morris has called since the day he saved me from a gang of thugs. I suddenly feel a headache coming on. "No, not now." I say to myself in a low enough tone that Morris doesn't hear it. I slowly get up and start to put my clothes on trying my best to ignore the headache. "Where are you going?" Morris asks sitting up and leaning against the wall. "I just need to go to the bathroom for a moment." Morris reaches over to his pants and pulls out a cigarette. "Alright, but don't go too far, I am not done with you yet, and we have a lot of time to make up for." Morris smiles at me as he lights his cigarette and inhales. "That goes double for me big man." I smile before walking into the bathroom and closing the door. I sigh in frustration as I turn on the water, "This is not how it is going to end." I snarl as the headache starts to get worse. I close my eyes for a second before splashing water onto my face, "I have to finish what I started in Auradon by putting the blood diamond back together, and once I have that I will have a bragging chip to use with the only person on this miserable rock that can help become my own person once and for all. I walk back out to Morris who has just finished his smoke. "I need to go Morris, I have somewhere to go, and someone to see." Morris grabs his boxers and puts them on before standing up and letting the sheet fall from his lower body. "Where are you going?" I finish getting dressed and pick up my belongings. "There is just someone that I need to face once and for all." I say with a dark look in my eyes. Morris nods his head but not before placing a passionate kiss on my lips. "After you are finished, will you come see me?" I nod my head with a smile. "Before you go, I have something for you." Morris digs into his pants pocket before pulling out a necklace with the letter M on it. "I want you to have this, that way everyone on the Isle knows that you are my girl." I turn around and push the hair out of the Morris's way so he places the necklace around my neck. "And here I was thinking that you had changed." Morris grips me tightly. "I have, and if you ever tell anyone about my soft side I will have no problem selling you out to anyone." Morris grips my ace in his hand. "You belong to me now, and that is both a blessing and a curse." I pull away from him fixing myself. "I will see you later." I say walking out of the building and onto the streets of the Isle. As I turn a corner I suddenly see four unfamiliar people 2 girls and 2 boys standing around with their hoods up covering their faces. The logo on the back of one of the girl's jackets is a red snake, one of the boy's jacket has the logo of a blue crown, the other girl has the logo of two white bone making an X on the back of her jacket, and lastly is the boy that looks to be the leader of the group who has the logo of what looks like a black and purple dragon making the shape of a weird heart. I suddenly think to myself that I have seen those logos before, but at this moment in time I can't remember where. I slowly start creeping up to them trying to get a peek at what any of them look like, I sneak down behind a cart that is directly behind them. "We need to focus on getting Harrison to give up his turf." Says the boy with the dragon logo snarls at the other three. "I think I know of a way that we can do that, we just exploit Harrison's greatest weakness." The girl with the snake logo slowly comments with a creepie smile on his face. "That of course is his girlfriend Durah." The boy with the crown logo finishes saying what the girl with the snake logo was saying. "Then let's go make Harrison a deal that he can't refuse without someone getting seriously hurt." All four of them start laughing as they all walk off causing destruction along the way. Once I am sure they are gone I let out a deep breath and remember what Morgan told me earlier today about a new group of people, and if I was a betting person I would bet that I just found them. I stand up brushing myself off and keep racking my brain about how those logos seemed so familiar to me, and the more I think about it the more frustrated I get for not remembering. I turn down a deserted alleyway and slowly walk up to a large brink wall full of local posters. "When will people learn that the Isle is no place for advertisement. I groan pushing the wall open to reveal one of the back doors to the one place that I have been dreading, the place where I was born, and a place that Heidi once called home. I head inside the long dark tunnel closing the door behind me, and start walking towards what everyone calls the underworld. 

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