Chapter 23: Two Halves of one whole

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Heidi's POV

I open my eyes and sit up only to find myself in the middle of the forest. I stand up and start looking for a trail or a sigh that will lead me out of here, and I start to wonder where exactly I am. Sighing I know that if I am going to have any chance of getting out of here I have to start somewhere. I carefully walk through the thick and dense forest pushing losses branches out of my way, and what really catches me off guard is that I haven't seen any bug or any other type of creatures that you would expect in a forest. I feel like I have walking around for hours and not getting anywhere, and not getting closer to finding anyway out of this seeming endless forest. I turn around after hearing what sounds like laughter only to see no one there. "Hello?" I call out but get no response back. I shake my head thinking that it must be hearing things that aren't really there. I stumble over a fallen log to once again hear the sound of laughter, only this time when I turn around I smack into a branch knocking me onto the ground. "That was unpleasant." I groan holding my head and trying to catch my breath. I slowly stand up making it back to my feet. I start walking the path I have been on for a while now when the sound of rushing water catches my attention, and as I keep pushes towards the sound I accidentally trip over a log and go tumbling down a small hill. Once I reach the bottom of the hill I lay on the soft grass in pain, but when I look to my right I see that I found the source of the rushing water, and it turns out to be a beautiful waterfall. "I guess there is some beauty in nature after all." I say to myself as I struggle to my feet. The sound of the waterfall is very soothing to me, and also the sound of the raging river brings me peace. I am not sure how long I have been laying here listing to the sounds around me but when I reopen my eyes I can't help but notice that it looks like an opening behind the waterfall. I walk along the edge and stop when I come to the large waterfall, I jump onto a rock and re balance myself now standing directly in front of the waterfall. I look closer at the water and now I can see an outline of what looks to be a cave. I jump from rock to rock until I able to walk underneath the water of the falls, and what I find behind the waterfall leaves me with more questions than answers. I am now standing at the edge of a large pathway, but this pathway only leads to a dark grey door with a golden archway, and right as I take a step towards the door I hear the sound from the other side of the waterfall. I think about what I should do, if I should check out the sound or if I should check out the doorway. I take a deep breath before walking back though the waterfall only to see someone just now arriving to the waterfall, I look closer at this person and notice that their face is hidden from the hood of their black jacket being up, and from what I can see this person is wearing what I would call Isle clothing. "Hello!" I call out getting this person's attention, and the person looks a little spooked to hear my voice. "I won't hurt you, I am just wondering if you might tell me where I am." The person shakes their head without saying a word, and I jump from rock to rock until I am back on dry land. "If you can't tell where I am, then can you at least tell who you are?" Again, this person shakes their head without saying a word, and as step closer I swear that I see someone who looks identical to me underneath the hood. "Have we ever met before?" I reach for the hood but only for the woman to grip my hand tightly before I can touch it. "Who are you?" I ask in a demanding voice trying to get my hand out of the woman's grip but she doesn't let go. "Let me go now, I don't want to have to hurt you." The woman releases my hand but makes no other movements. "I need to get back home, and maybe you can help me find a way out of the place." The woman suddenly kicks me sending me into the water, and once I break to the surface I look around to see her bouncing off rocks. "Wait, why did you attack me?" I yell swimming to the shore line and running to catch up with the mystery woman. I reach the other side of the waterfall to see the other woman opening the door. "Where does that lead?" I ask walking as fast as I can to the woman and to the door. "Home." The woman laughs stepping through the door, and right as I am about to touch the door it vanishes leaving me alone inside a now empty cave.

Hayden's POV
I open my eyes to see that I made it out before Heidi could. "That was too close of a call." I pick myself off the ground and notice that it is still night time. "I can't waste any more time. I pick up the diamond up off the ground. "It is time to go home." I quickly make my way into the guys dorms and enter the bedroom that Heidi and Harry share, and I see that both Henry and Harry are both still fast asleep.  

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