Chapter 4: Flirting On Campus

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Hayden's POV

The one thing that I love about Auradon Prep is that it full of really hot guys, and as a bonus most of the guys walk around shirtless. I see a shirtless Paul working out and my eyes are enjoying taking in every inch of his sweaty and muscular body. "Enjoying the show Heidi?" I hear Paul ask me in a joking tone. "It has its moments." I say pretending to joke with him but it wasn't a lie. "Only if you weren't with that pirate." Paul flips himself over the bar he was doing pulls up on and sits on the bar. "You would take away to Neverland to live with the lost boys?" I joke rolling my eyes at him with a smile on my face. "Sorry to disappoint you Paul but there is only guy for me, and you aren't even close to him." Paul jumps down from the bar landing on his feet directly in front of me. "I understand that, I have a girl I feel the same way about." I nod my head knowing who he is talking about, "I should get going, I have 10 minutes to make it to my date and if I am late again there will be trouble." Paul grabs his shirt off the ground and runs off. My mind starts thinking of the guy I just mentioned, but he is on the Isle, and I am here stuck in Auradon. I lazily walk around campus trying to think of something fun to do, but the type of fun I like to have is limited here, and even more so if I want to keep my cover. I have been walking for what seems like forever annoyed with all the people smiling at me saying nice words to me than making me say something nice back, and suddenly I see Donnie who is the son of Doc, and the leader of the seven meddlesome dwarfs on a bench in the garden reading a book. His brown hair is spiked up, he has glasses on, a red short sleeved shirt, light brown shorts, and light brown working boots. I walk over sitting next to him on the bench. "What are you reading there?" I ask causing him to jump a little. The guy turns me and a smile appears on his face, "Heidi, you scared, I didn't notice that you sat next to me." I am starting to hate people calling me that name, "So tell me, what is a cute guy like you doing in the garden all alone reading a book on this beautiful day?" His cheeks turn red for a second as he puts the book he was reading back inside his book bag, "I am just reading a book that I checked out of the library today." I scoot closer to him placing my hand on his knee acting like I am interested in that stupid book, "That sounds like fun." Donnie looks from me to my hand. "Heidi, are you sure nothing is wrong? You are acting kind of strange." I run my hand up his thigh and start tracing shapes on his shirt. "How am I acting strange? Is it because I am actually hanging out with a guy that isn't Harry?" Donnie pushes my hand away from him and stands up off the bench. "Is something going on with Harry and you?" I feel anger start building inside of my but I turn that anger into something I can use to get closer to Donnie, and I suddenly pretend to start crying. "I can't take it anymore, between Harry and I being at each other's throats, and poor Henry needing our attention all the time. It is becoming too much for even me to bare." Donnie quickly sits back down and wraps his arms around me giving me a hug. "I wouldn't worry too much about it Heidi, I know that you would never cheat on Harry, and I have I apologize for seeing things that really weren't there." I slowly place my head on his shoulder to hide the smile on my face. "Thanks for not freaking out on me Donnie, you really are a great guy and an even greater friend." I place my arms around his neck pulling him close enough to me that I can feel his strong upper body muscles through his shirt. "What are friends for." I carefully run my head over his abs slowly counting each one in my head. "I should get going Heidi, I am due for my shift at the library." Donnie pulls out of the hug as he stands up from the bench and slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Are you sure that you are going to be okay? I would hate to leave you in such a vulnerable state." I wipe away a fake tear from my eye. "Yeah, I think I will be alright now." Donnie smiles at me before walking off, and I quickly turn around to watch Donnie walk away, "That is one sexy nerd, and I have to say that he looks even better walking away." I stand up from the bench and brush off my outfit, and suddenly someone runs into me. "Heidi, I am so sorry I couldn't stop myself in time." I knew that voice, and it is a voice that made my skin crawl, and makes every evil fiber in me scream. I turn my gaze on Herkie. "Where are you off in such a hurry?" I ask biting my lip to control the impulse to rip his head off his body. "I have practice, and if I am not there in the next 60 seconds the couch is going to have a field day with punishing me." Just like that an idea pops into my head and a plan starts forming. "Well you should get going." Herkie and I stand up before either one of can say anything Herkie is already running towards the locker room area. "I think it times for a little Isle styled fun." I say with my sights locked on Herkie, and I slowly starts walking towards the guy locker room. 

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