Chapter 28: The Unbelievable Truth

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Ben's POV

I am sitting in myoffice filling out acceptance letters when suddenly the sound of repeatedknocking on my door catches my attention. "It's open!" I yell not looking upfrom the letters. Ani Radcliffe burst into the room looking distraught andcaring Henry in her arms "Ani, what's wrong?" I ask shooting up from behind mydesk and make my way to her. "I went to check on Heid and Harry this morning tosee if they needed me to babysit, and when I walked into the room I found thisnote, and poor Henry all alone." My eyes go wide because upon hearing this. "Thatdoesn't sound like either Harry or Heidi to leave Henry all alone." Ani cradlesHenry as she hands me a note. "This was found in his crib." I take the notefrom her and read to myself. I place the note on my desk confused more thananything. "What kind of answers could Heidi be looking for that would be on theIsle?" Ani shrugs looking at poor Henry who is now without a mother and afather. "The only good thing about all of this is that Heidi left Henry in thecare of Mal and you." I take a deep breath because I have no idea on how Mal isgoing to react to that news. "Let's just take everything a step at a time, bythe sounds of this note Heidi and Harry will be back soon, and that means thatthere is no reason to panic." I start thinking of how odd Heidi was actinglately, and that maybe that is why she went back to the isle. turn and look at my godson who looks moreconfused than any of us, and suddenly Shay enters my office carrying a fish ina large bowl. "We have a problem." Shay enters the room placing the fish bowldown on my desk. "That is a nice looking fish Shay." Shay sighs in anger. "Benthis isn't just a normal fish, this is Ennis, the son of Ariel and Eric." Ilook stunned at the fish in the bowl. "What do you mean? The last time I sawhim he was very much human." Shay nods her head leaning against my desk. "Heiditurned him into a fish." This catches me off guard because I have known Heidifor some time now and this is the first time she has ever does something likethat to someone else. "Tell me what happened?" Shay takes in a deep breath beforetelling me the story. "She put Ennis under a siren spell and lured him to Sirencove to help her get some diamond that she desperately wanted, and once Ennis wouldn'tgive it to her she waved her hand turning poor Ennis into the fish you see now."This is mind bottling to me and I am not sure what to believe right now. "Itried my best to stop her but it worthless, she was too powerful and she tooksome diamond, and collapsed the cave entrance trapping Ennis and I inside thecove." I look from Shay to the note. "That might explain the note she left."Shay looks at me wondering what I am talking about, and it suddenly clicks inher head once she sees Ani holding Henry. "Where is my sister?" Shay askslooking to Ani and then to me. "It would seem that Heidi and Harry have goneback to the Isle." Before Shay can say anything, Ally appears in the doorway. "Itis not Heidi we are dealing with." Shay, Ani, and I all turn giving Ally ourfull attention. "What do you mean Ally?" I ask as she steps further into theoffice. "Heidi has a split personality named Hayden, and that is who had behindall of this." I start putting the pieces of this puzzle together. "Hayden wentback to the Isle with Harry not Heidi, but if they are back on the isle theywould have to get past the barrier." Ally sighs nodding her head. "They did, accordingto Hayden there is something underground that connects Auradon and the isle ofthe lost, and it runs deep enough not be effected by the barrier." I slam myfist on the table frustrated and angry with myself for not seeing this sooner. "Doanyone have any information on this diamond that this Hayden took with her." Iturn my dark gaze to the others in the room. "All Heidi told me was that the diamondhas special powers, and that it was given to Hadie from Hades to hide." I nodmy head coming up with a plan. "What do we know about Hayden?" Ally lowers herhead. "She destroyed the papers I had, but from that I gathered Heidi createdHayden from something traumatic that happened to her, and given that she isfrom the isle that means it could mean anything." Shay suddenly speaks upagain. "I think Ennis could answer some of those questions he sort of forced Haydento talk about her past until she turn him into a fish that is." Ally looks downat fish unsure as to what to make out of Ennis. "Hayden is crafty, she hit mewith a lamp before jumping out my bedroom window and taking off." I nod my headnow having a plan. "Ani, I want you to go find Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Tellthem that it is an emergency and to find me as quickly as they can." Ani looksdown at Henry, "What about Henry?" I walk up to her and take the baby boy fromher. "I will look after him." Ani nods her head before leaving my office. "ShayI want you to take Ennis to Fairy Godmother and explain everything to her, thatshould be enough for her to transform him back into a person, and once he isback to normal bring him to me so we can find out what he knows." Shay nods herhead picking up the fish bowel and leaving the office. "Finally Ally, I needyou to Hadie and tell him everything that is going on, and I am sure that hewill be willing help." Ally nods her head leaving the office. I look down atHenry who smiles up at me. "Don't worry Henry we are going to bring your momand dad back home where they truly belong."

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