Chapter 38: Made Her Weak

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Hayden's POV

"My crimes are as followed, I almost killed Gil the son of Gaston by slitting his throat, I killed and got away with the murder of Sienna the daughter of the Snow Queen by plunging a dagger into her heart and I stood over her and watched the miserable life drained from her body, and I stole money and other things from people just for the fun of it." Hades looks at me with a look of uncaring. "That is not so impressive, I mean other than the killing of another villain Hadie did the same thing every day." I sigh nodding my head. "I also caused chaos and havoc on everyone around me without feeling guilty about for a single second, I embarrassed the son of our enemy by stealing his clothes and making him expose himself to everyone around him, and I made a king that everyone loves and respects do something that would ruin everything he stands for." This gets a smile from Hades. "Now you are getting somewhere my dear, embarrassing an enemy like that takes cruelty and vengefulness to a whole new level, and deceiving and manipulating a king like that is worthy of recognition." I smile inclining my head. "I have also turned someone that is a hero into my own personal evil spy, I ticked Hadie into giving me secret information, and stole the most valuable thing that you ever gave Hadie." Hades gives me a look of curiosity, "What exactly did you steal from my son and your brother?" I smile at Hades and shake my head. "That is for me to know and only me." Hades stands up from his throne. "You dare stand there and say that you have committed a crime not only against me but your family as well." I shrug my shoulders nodding my head. "I used my siren voice for evil and got someone to do my dirty work for me, I turned that associate into a fish because he severed his purpose, and I trapped my so called sister inside a cave to live out her days until death takes her." Hades claps his hands as he sits back down in his chair. "You have truly lost your sense of goodness, to have some many crimes against family members is something that we both can relate too." I will never feel right about Hades, but if it gets me what I want I will play along. "I casted a powerful curse to make my enemies forget that they are my enemies, I made a girl with a pure heart tap into the darkness inside of her, and I turned someone back to the evil they once were and made them forget who they used to be." Hades smiles grows bigger on his face. "I made people once again fear me just by seeing me walk down the street, I almost killed the daughter of Judge Frollo, and I crushed the heart of boy that fell in love with me." Hades just laughs as he hears the crimes getting listed off. "To do so much evil in such a short time is amazing, you must have a blacked soul." I just nod my head looking deep into the eyes of the man on my throne. "I stood by and watched as someone brutally beat someone else up, and lastly I will soon have the power to make everyone bow down to me and worship the ground I walk on." Hades doesn't say a word all he does is stare at me. "You clearly are not my Heidi, so tell me who stands before me." I look at him in shock over the fact that he finally is able to tell the difference between Heidi and I. "You couldn't be more right, I am not the daughter that you know, I am a completely different person then that sad excuse for a villain." Hades leans of his chair. "Your name?" I smile as I mockery bow to him. "The name is Hayden, but I don't need to explain myself to you, I don't need to explain myself to the people of Auradon, and I don't need to explain myself to the people of the isle because I don't owe anyone anything." Hades looks at me not sure what I am talking about. "People who want to degrade me, call me names, and make me feel less than I am, everyone always asking me the same thing, why Heidi? Why did you turn you back on your family and friends? Why did you leave a place you called home?" I say mocking the people of Auradon with their stupid sympathy. "I guess their beloved King does have all the answers does he? Maybe they shouldn't have talked to me like I wasn't worth their time, maybe they shouldn't have treated me like a charity case so much, and now they are all wondering when did everything go wrong, did Heidi somehow get cursed and that is why she is acting like this." I pretend to act like the people Heidi called her friends. "They all need to wake up and realize that I am not nothing like little Heidi, Heidi was too unselfish and to compassionate that she didn't see that was going on around her." Hades gives me an odd look but doesn't say a word. "Maybe deep down somewhere I regret my actions, maybe I am remorseful for the sinister acts I committed, and maybe I hope that one day everyone can forgive me for what I have done." I burst out laughing insanely, "Nope, not one bit because the truth is Heidi use to think Auradon was strong, that the symbol of hope made people stronger, she use to think that light always won and defected the dark." I just roll my eyes with a vengeful smile on my face. "But the truth is Auradon made her weak, family and friends made her weak, love made her weak, the burden of having to always do the right thing made her weak, and the burden of having to deal with all that happiness and light made her weak. I have learned my lesson, I have learned the lesson that every day is a new day with the chance to be start over and be reborn, and most of all the chance to take the past and destroy it once and for all." I mock bow to Hades before walking out of the throne room feed up with people and their opinion of me. I am drawing the line through the past, and as of right now Hayden is here with no intention of going anywhere. 

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