Chapter 34: Morris

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Hayden's POV

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Morris roars gripping my shoulders tightly. "Morgan wasn't kidding when she said you have changed." Morris had gone from a feeble-minded boy to a full-grown man. "THAT DOESN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION HEIDI! NOW TELL ME!" Morris puts his fist through the wall of Gaston's duel without rules. "I have to say that I am liking this new side of you." I say running my hands down his upper body and stopping at the end of his shirt. "I have been on an assignment for Uma, and believe me it was not worth it." I slowly put my hands under his shirt and start tracing his very defined abs. "Did you miss me?" I ask looking him deep into his eyes. Morris is quite but I see a sinister smile stretch across his lips, Morris picks me up in his strong arms and slams us against the side of the building, "You know I missed you baby." Morris crashes his lips onto mine and it is like fireworks go off in my head. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso deepening our kiss. We pull apart to catch our breath. "We can't do this out in the open." I smile at him taking his scent of sea water and musk. Morris rolls his eyes letting out a loud groan. 'Why not, we did it in The Diamond Smile Tavern before, and that was out in the open." I shake my head as Morris pushes my hair out of my face with his hands. "That was inside a building, and it was way past closing time." Morris gently sets me back on my feet. "I hear that you are a man to be feared now." Morris nods his head before leaning against the building and pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. "Don't worry as long you are with me, no one will mess you with you, just like the good old days." Morris puts the cigarette in his mouth as he pulls out a lighter and lights his cigarette. "What have you been up too since I have been away." I ask leaning into him and wrapping his arm around me. "I have been having my own version of fun I guess, why do you think I was banished to the slums of the isle." Morris blows out smoke. "What is this I have been hearing about you and the middle hook boy?" I roll my eyes in disgust. "Don't even mention him." Morris's whole demeanor suddenly changes as his eyes darken a little. "What did you do too you?" I place my hand on his chest and slightly push my back against the building. "He didn't do anything to me, I can take care of myself Morris, you of all people should know that I have been taking care of myself all my life." Morris places the cigarette in his mouth before wrapping both arms around my waist and places his hands on my butt. "Just give me the word and I will every moment of his life a never-ending nightmare." I shake my head with a smile on my face. "I have other needs for your cruel, sadistic, sinister, and dangerous ways." Right as I am about to kiss him the door to Gaston's duel without rules opens and out steps Gaston the Third. "WHY IS THERE A HOLE IN THE SHOP WALL!" He yells at Morris and me. I unwrap myself from Morris who drop his cigarette to the ground and puts it out. "That was me, I kind of lost my temper." Gaston the Third walks up to the two of us and gets into Morris's face. "You are going to pay for a new wall." Morris just starts laughing as he holds his stomach. "I am not kidding." Gaston the Third grabs Morris by his shirt slamming against the wall. "Either fix the wall or else I will hang you in my shop like one of my father's hunting trophies." Morris shoves Gaston the Third off him and suddenly an insane smile appears on Morris's lips. "Morris, I will see you later." I say and start walking away, but I don't far because I am suddenly yanked back by Gaston the Third who pulls me by my jacket. "You are not going anywhere Heidi, because I can only guess that you had something to do with the hole." I look up at him with darkness in my eyes. Out of the blue there is a loud sound and Gaston the Third on the ground clutching is knee. "Don't you ever put your hands on her." Morris hisses at Gaston the Third as he places the baseball bat that he hit Gaston the Third knee with under his chin. "Please don't hurt me." Morris holds out his hand helping me back to my feet. "Do it again." I whisper in his ear as the two of us share a sick and sinister smile. Morris swings the bat as hard as he can as it connects with Gaston the Third's other knee, and the sound of his painful screams fill my ears with delight. "I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Morris asks kneeling to get closer to Gaston the Third. "Now I think you need to scurry back into that shop of your families, and while in there think about the lesson you learned today." Morris stands back up and takes my hand as I wrap his arm around my shoulder, and the two of us starts walking down the streets of the Isle. Once we are out the way of everyone I shove Morris into an abounded building. "What are you doing?" Morris asks confused. I don't say a word as I walk up to him and pull his shirt over his head tossing over my shoulder. "I think you know what I want." I say in his ear as I unbuckle his bet and pull it off him. Morris smiles as he lifts me into his arms again crashing his lips onto mine, and my fingers get tangled into his hair. 

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