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August 20 : Monday

Translated : Unless said otherwise she is speaking Korean

I think it was the nerves that got me up at 6 in the morning. It wasn't that I wasn't tired, because god knows I am, it's that I couldn't seem to go back to sleep. I was dressed and had my makeup done all by 7 and now I was stuck, not sure what I was supposed to do for 30 minutes. Friday at dinner the other international students from LA said they'd walk with me to school in the mornings. They were leaving at 7:30 in order to get there a little bit early.

I checked my phone to see what time it was in Seattle, it was 3pm. My mom was home from work by now. I pressed on her contact and called her.

"Nanni! Mi amor!" She was yelling into the phone so loud I had to move it away from my ear.

"Hi mom."

"How are you? How was your flight? Were there any annoying little kids crying?" I giggled at how frantic she was to get every and any drop of information out of me.

"I'm good. I leave for school in 30 minutes so I wanted to call you. My flight was great I slept the entire time." I heard her gasp and mutter under her breath. "I met this insanely hot guy mom. Like I didn't really meet him more of just him helping me grab my suitcases and then he walked away. But he was really pretty." I enjoyed this, having something to talk about and having someone to really listen. Of course my mom would listen to my rants when I was home, but sometimes she'd tune me out when I got repetitive. But now that I'm miles and miles away she would listen to anything.

"Oh mija. I'm so happy for you. Maria said she called you last night how did that go?" I sighed. Whenever I said something bad about Maria my mom would ream her out and tell her to be a better older sister.

"It was good. She was really tired but we got to talk and catch up a bit." My mom silent on the other line before I heard my dad yelling something. I wasn't able to make out the words.

"I got to go your father is going to burn the house down. I love you have fun at school Nanni." They line went dead and I laughed, I guess my house hasn't changed now that it's just my mom and dad living in it.

I grabbed my backpack and headphones before making my way out of my dorm. The students were already waiting for me and I smiled when I caught up to them. Their names were Ryan and Stephanie. Ryan was really tall and had black hair that looked professionally styled, he was attractive but in a f-boy kind of way. Stephanie was short like me, she had natural red hair and freckles. She was really cute and had perfect bangs and perfect clear skin.

"You nervous Nanni?" Ryan asked in English once we were out on the streets. The morning traffic was bustling around us and people were walking to work and to school.

"A little. Just nervous to speak korean all day." He nodded and Stephanie groaned. I turned to her with a smile. "What?"

"My korean is terrible. I have about the vocabulary of a kindergartner, actually kindergartners probably are better than me. How long have you been studying Korean?" She said mostly whining and throwing a mini tantrum.

"3 years. I'm insecure about my Korean but natives say it's pretty good." I nodded as both Ryan and Stephanie looked at me with a shocked expression.

"So you're smart?" Ryan said squinting his eyes at me. I shrugged my shoulders because honestly I wasn't super smart I struggled in math and science, but I could always keep up my grades if I tried hard enough.

We all stopped talking as we made our way in front of the school. It was huge, it looked like a college. It was also really pretty, there were walls that were all made of glass and there was a large grass area for students to sit and socialize in.

Epiphany - Namjoon auWhere stories live. Discover now