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August 21 : Tuesday

I was pleasantly surprised to see Namjoon sitting by himself when I walked into my first period. I was a minute late because I slept in and Stephanie and Ryan were forced to bang on my door for 5 minutes. I felt bad, because I made them late but they didn't have to wait for me they could have walked by themselves. The class was copying words off the board when I walked in. Ms. Jen was quick to stand up and walk over to my desk when I sat down.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I'd blame it on jet lag but I was honestly just lazy and woke up late." I said and she chuckled at me placing a stack of papers on my desk.

"It's fine honey. I'm sure the timezone is still messing with you. Can you look over these for me?" I nodded as she walked away. The papers were the introduction paragraphs the students had written yesterday. I wasn't sure if I was even qualified to correct these, I'm not an english genius. I flipped through them until I found Namjoon's I smiled as I began reading it. His english was pretty good, the occasional grammar error but it was cute. He used a lot of really big words that surprised me, he must study a lot for this class. After correcting the majority of the papers the class broke out into conversation and I looked up to see the teacher walking out of the room. I turned to Namjoon who was already looking at me.

"Everything alright with you and your girl?" I said twirling my pen in my hand. He rolled his eyes running a hand through his hard and I laughed. "That good huh?" I was speaking to him in english hoping he wouldn't mind.

"She's so annoying sometimes." He said in Korean scooting his chair to be in front of my desk his arms now resting across the scattered papers. "Like yesterday she was yelling at me for sitting next to you and talking to you. I don't get why though? Like I talk to other female students and she doesn't say anything about it. She's being so immature."

"Maybe cause I'm not Korean." I said quietly and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"No," he shook his head. "No I wouldn't date someone who is racist. She's never said anything racist before, I don't know what it is. But then when she showed up at dinner she was so aggressive toward me. She was so upset that you were there and I don't get it. Recently she's just been super possessive she wants me to talk to her before I do anything and she wants me to hang with her and her friends every lunch. I hate her friends they're all so fucking annoying they gossip and talk shit. They're all so negative."

I bit the inside of my cheek as he spoke. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to give my advice I didn't want to be rude and assume anything, especially since he's only been my friend for a day.

"That's not healthy Namjoon." I said quietly. "My sister was in that type of relationship once and it cost her her best friends and it took a toll on her mental health. Maybe you should take a break? Or at least tell her your complaints."

"I'm not going to break up with her just because she cares." Namjoon said his voice getting deeper than before.

"Well, just talk to her. Sometimes people change and relationships stop working out." I mumbled and he moved his chair back to his desk.

"I'm not going to take advice from a girl who's only dating experience is based off her sister. You've known me a day don't start acting like you know me or Seojun." He said his words dripping in anger as he glared at me with arrogant eyes.

"If you didn't want my advice you should have kept your mouth shut." I said in korean and turned back to my papers. He didn't say anything to me for the rest of class he didn't even look up from his worksheets. Once the bell rang he was the first one out of the door, I watched as everyone made room for him in the hallways. People pushed to the sides letting him stomp down the middle. I was disappointed, I was really hoping he wouldn't be a dick cause I actually liked him and his friends.

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