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October 12 : Friday

"What's up fuckers?!" Jimin yelled running over to the tree with Tae and Kook. He had a huge smile on his face forcing his eyes into thin lines. "Tomorrow's my birthday! I expect all the love in the world and if I receive anything less I'll be very disappointed."

I was shocked to see him in such a good mood. He hasn't been coming to school that often due to his mom. He spends the majority of his time in the hospital with her, it's kind of heart breaking. The rough 2 months I've been here Jimin has been rather quiet, of course seeing the circumstances it's understandable. Jungkook and Tae tell me all the time that Jimin is actually really talkative and he's always giggling and bouncing around. I hope I get to see him act like this more often.

"So seeing as this month holds the most important holiday-Halloween-we are going to celebrate my birthday for the rest of the 31 days of October." Jimin said sitting down next Hoseok pulling kimbap out of his bag and filling his cheeks with food.

"Kimbap! Bite please." Taehyung said cutely opening his mouth for a piece, which Jimin fed him immediately. I smiled at the cute interaction, smiling wider when I saw Namjoon walking up behind the cute boys.

"Happy early birthday Minnie." Namjoon said ruffling the youngers thick black hair, who was quick to comb his fingers through said locks, evening it out to perfection.

"You're hair is so pretty Jimin." I said with a pout, looking at all my split ends. "My hair is always frizzy." I threw my hair over my shoulders twirling it to lay between my shoulder blades.

"Not everyone can be as handsome as me." He said winking at me and I laughed lightly before returning to look at the clover patch we were sitting on. I was determined to find a four leaf clover before I left.

"So are we going to haunted houses? Are those a thing here?" I asked and immediately regretted it. I was in Korea not Antartica, of course there was haunted houses.

"No." Hoseok said quickly.

"Yes." Taehyung and Jungkook said at the same time. "The adrenaline is fun hyung!" Jungkook shouted playfully and I nodded.

"I'll protect you." I smiled at Hoseok. "I don't get scared easily." Hoseok gave me a pained expression, shuttering as he shook his head.

"I'll stay in the car." He gave a fake smile as the three youngest boys groaned. "There is a corn maze an hour away. We should go there!" I nodded quickly clapping my hands in excitement.

"Oh please, please, please!" I said looking at Namjoon, he was smiling sweetly at me and I had to look away before a blush crept across my cheeks. Since our date Namjoon has been sneaking over to my dorm nearly everyday. He comes at 7 and stays until 9 before running back to his place, I wish I could say we spend the time doing homework and being productive. But in reality we spend the time liplocked.

"Let's go after school today!" Jimin says opening his soda and chugging half down. I squealed in excitement when the rest of the boys agreed. I clapped my hands as Taehyung and Jungkook sandwiched Jimin in a bone crushing hug. "Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung won't be able to come but that's okay we are sleeping over there tonight anyways."

"That's okay." Namjoon said leaning into my body, my shoulder now laying over his. I smiled internally at the touch, my body craved his touch. "After classes meet at the cars."




Hoseok was clinging onto Taehyung's arm as we walked through the corn maze. It was pitch black and for some reason he had the feeling someone was going to jump out and grab him. We decided before we got in that we would make go in teams and separate at every turn. The teams were Namjoon and I, Taehyung and Hoseok, and Jungkook and Jimin. So far we had lost Jungkook and Jimin, Hoseok and Tae had met back up with us on accident. We walked for a while until he came to a fork in the path, we looked at each other before deciding who went where.

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