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Namjoon's P.O.V.

December 27 : Thursday

"Jungkook MY girl is out there somewhere, alone!" On any other day you would look at Jungkook and see a small boy put into a man's body. For a 16 year old he is well built, could probably put up a good fight against me, but right now he looks so small in my grip. "It's freezing outside, it's been snowing all fucking night tell me where you last were with her!"

He just shrinks further into himself. His neck is craned to the side so his eyes don't have to look at mine, I wouldn't want to look at my angry eyes right now either. I want to start crying, the frustration of this situation is far too much for me to handle.

Seoul is big, very big, and running out into the snow isn't going to get us very far. Jungkook still won't answer me, he just cries to himself as he hangs from his t-shirt which is balled tight in my closed fist.

"Let him go." Yoongi's voice is colder than the air outside. There is no protesting with him. "We'll start looking near where they were last night, you all look around her dorm and the school."

"She doesn't know the area that well and she is much too smart to go wandering off in the snow." Jin says. He is throwing a puffy jacket over his sweater while the rest of the boys are tying their shoes.

Yoongi's shoulders are hunched giving him a nonchalant posture. He always looks so calm, the quietness in his eyes makes me want to scream. I look like the only one who is freaking out which is only making me freak out more.

Nanni would have gone home, I'm sure of it. My girl isn't stupid, plus she is much too scared of the dark when she is by herself. The thoughts of her being hurt are just gasoline on the fire going on inside my head. I don't want to end up in a police station today filling out a missing person report for my girlfriend.

"We'll find her Namjoon." Yoongi says. His tone is warm but his face stays blank, I'm just left to watch them walk out of my front door. If I can't get the information out of Jungkook I'm not sure how Yoongi will, but I guess Jungkook and I aren't the same. I wonder if we ever will be the same after what happened last night.
Yoongi's P.O.V.

All Jungkook wants to do is make people happy. It's a lovely attribute but it's also a dangerous one. Some people don't deserve the effort that Jungkook will put into people, he also doesn't know when enough is enough. He is still so naive, so youthful, despite all he has been through.

It's not Jungkook's fault he is so affected by his older brother's relationship, more blame should be put on his unconscious. He gained a possessiveness over Nanni and he didn't even notice it. So it's no wonder why his feelings are shattered right now, he has to give up the thing he wanted all for himself. Not only that but he has to now watch her be loved by someone who isn't him.

We all knew about Jungkook's feelings, he liked her as soon as he met her you could tell by just the look in his eyes. But unlike Jungkook we could see the way Nanni looked at Namjoon.

"This is around where we were." His voice speaks for the first time since we have gotten out of my car. We have been walking for a while in a part of town I didn't even know existed. Trees were in front of us and surrounding the majority of my eye sight. The white snow made it blinding to open my eyes.

"Jungkook you have to show me exactly where you were." I pry but he keeps his eyes trained on the foot print path following us. "Jungkook, she could get really sick if she is out in the snow for much longer. She probably has frostbite by now and if we aren't quick she can get hypothermia."

By the look in his eyes it's safe to assume he didn't think of the severity of this situation. If she was dressed properly for the snow then she has a better chance of being okay but on the off chance she isn't she could be dead. With severe hypothermia it only takes 2 hours to die. Please don't be dead.

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