
233 19 14

September 12 : Wednesday

Namjoon was in the bathroom, it was 6 and we were going to watch a movie to pass time. His phone kept ringing and pinging from phone calls and texts. I reached over the bed grabbing his phone to see a bunch of texts from his mom. I didn't mean to read any of them but I saw a bunch of balloon and cake emojis so I got intrigued.

Mom : HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAMJOON! My beautiful son I'm so proud of you! I'm sorry I'm away again, but when I get home in December we will celebrate big! Tell Kookie I love and miss him

It's his birthday?! He didn't tell me! None of the boys said anything today at school. I set his phone back down before going onto my phone and texting our group chat.


Nanni: You are all dead.

Kook: What did we do?!

Tae: It was not me.

Jimin: Let's not kill on a holy day Nanni

Yoongi: woah there princess I haven't seen you for a while why am i dead?

Jin: what did you kids do to her?!

Hobi: hehe

Nanni: You didn't tell me it was Namjoon's birthday! I've been hanging with him for hours and he hasn't said a thing!

Jimin: Joonie Hyung doesn't like celebrating his birthday

Nanni: Why?

Jimin: ....


Namjoon walks back into the room and I throw a pillow at him. It hits him in the face and when we make eye contact he looks extremely offended.

"It's your birthday?" I pouted crossing my arms over my chest and he chuckled. "You didn't tell me! I swear I need all of the birthdays in this friend group so I'm not blindsided again."

"Baby relax." He stood in front of me. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I don't celebrate my birthday."

I tilted my head to the side. "Why not?" He sighed before pulling me to the edge of the bed. My neck bending back in order to make eye contact with him.

"I share my birthday with my dad. I don't like to think about him." He said and I sighed pushing his stomach.

"So what?! Birthdays are very important." I stood up on the bed now taller than him, but not by much. "It's the day the world was gifted with your presence. We have to celebrate a little bit."

He smiled at me placing his hands on my hips and shaking them slightly. "You're too cute Nanni. But I really don't want to do anything. You being here until 8:30 is enough of a celebration."

"Are you sure?" I looked down at him with puppy dog eyes and he smiled leaning in to peck my lips.


"Too bad." I jumped off the bed before grabbing his keys and my phone and running out of the room.

"Nanni~" I heard him whine. But he followed after me as I ran down the stairs and hustled to slip my shoes on. He caught me right before I got out the door by my waist. He pulled my into his chest his lips hovering over my ear. "Where do you think you're going?" His deep voice sent chills crawling across my skin. I was tempted to just go back to his room, but I wouldn't let his charm coax me.

"WE are going to the Han River." He chuckled against my neck leaving a few kisses that got closer and closer to my jaw. "Stop. You're not going to lure me into staying here. Even if it's just for a few minutes. Please!" His hold on my was tight but after a few seconds he let go and bent down to put his shoes on.





We were sitting at a bench drinking hot coffee. My back was rested against the arm rest, my legs laying across Namjoon's lap. He was staring out at the dark water and I was staring at him. His profile was just as beautiful as the rest of him. People with pretty profiles are the luckiest people in the world.

"Why are you staring at me?" He said still looking at the night covered water.

"You're handsome."

He turned to look at me a soft smile on his face. His hand squeezed my leg lightly and I smiled back at him.

"Happy Birthday." I said and he rolled his eyes still smiling though. "Your birthday present is 5 questions about me. Anything you want to ask and I have to answer."

"Anything?" He asked excitement in his voice and I nodded.


He paused for a while humming in thought. I watched him happily sipping the now lukewarm coffee. He was so intoxicating to watch. It intimidated me how lost I could get just by looking at him. He had an effect on me, one that no one has ever had on me before.

"One. When is your birthday? Two. What is your house like in Washington? Three. What's your favorite thing to take pictures of?" He paused again. "I'll save the last two for something special." He gave me a cheeky smile and I laughed before thinking over his questions.

"March 4th."

"Really? Yoongi's is March 9th." I made a mental note to remember that date.

"My house is small. It's right on the outside of the city, like your house." I smiled watching him imagine my description in his head. "It's filled with pictures, mostly taken by me. It's only one story but there's an attic room, which is my room. Our backyard is pretty big for a Seattle back yard. We have dinner in the backyard every weekend with family. My dad grill's chicken and burgers, sometimes he makes skewers." I was getting hungry at the thought.

"Your house sounds amazing." He looked down at his hands that were resting over my legs. "I wish my family actually did things together."

"Hey! It's your birthday! You aren't allowed to get sad. You have the boys and me." I smiled at him. "We do stuff together all the time. They are your family to."

"Yeah, they are. You didn't answer my last question."

"Oh," My favorite thing to take pictures of? I had no idea. "Well I take pictures of things for different reasons. Like I take pictures of nature because it's calming and fascinating how such beautiful things are on this planet naturally. I take pictures of buildings because it's crazy what the human mind is able to create. But maybe my favorite thing to take pictures of is people, because you can capture pieces of them in the photo. I could take a million pictures of one person but there would still be parts of them I didn't capture. People are so complex and beautiful, the human body amazes me. Every curve and dip is different. People are beautiful." I stopped talking once I realized I sounded like a complete nerd. I felt my face heat up so I covered it with my hands. Bringing my knees to my chest and hiding in between them.

"You're so cute." Namjoon pulled me into his side and I hid my face in his neck. "It's almost 8. We should get you back to your dorm."

We walked back to his car hand in hand. I felt warm all over even though I had no jacket on. I really did like him, and it was crazy. The most romantic thing to ever happen to me is inevitable to end. But all things are meant to end. Nothing is permanent and maybe instead of me seeing that as scary I should just deal with it. Somethings are only good for a certain amount of time before they go bad, and who's to say Namjoon and I are any different. 

Even if we are fated to leave each other. I still have 143 days left in South Korea. I'm not going to put things on hold. This is a story that I can't capture in a photo, I can't hide behind a camera. I have to experience something in my teen life. So when Namjoon kissed me outside of my dorm I pushed away the fear of January. It wasn't January it was September 12, the boy I like's birthday. When he kissed me I promised myself I would live my life, day by day, because I only have 143 left.

I can't fight fate.

this chapter was really bad im sorry

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