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September 14 : Friday

"You are being assigned your very first project!" My photo teacher beamed rocking on his heels. "You are going to have to use layering, which was discussed in our lesson last class." The final bell rang and students began packing up. "So if you missed last class come and see me at lunch! We'll discuss criteria next class!"

Jungkook and I left the classroom following a very sleepy Taehyung. He slept through the majority of the class and we'd hit his shin whenever the teacher walked past. He was up late with Jimin. Jimin's mom is in the hospital again, I'm still not sure what's wrong with his mother's health. But I'll wait until he feels comfortable enough to tell me.

"Nanni are you coming with us to Jin hyung's house?" Jungkook asked his arm around my shoulders.

"I wasn't invited so I guess not." I leant my body into Jungkook's my eyes feeling heavier as we walked. I really wanted to go home and sleep for the entire weekend. I haven't been sleeping very well between all my sleeping and anxiety. 

"Yoongi texted me to ask you to come. We are getting gourmet pizza, you have to come. Just have Stephanie noona check in for you at the dorms." Jungkook was whining now, begging me to come and spend the night. I finally agreed. I had to search for Stephanie and give her my I.D. she laughed at me when I gave it to her.

"You know it's a little weird that you're only friends are boys." She said giving me a judgemental look. "Especially when 2 of them are college boys."

"Cool." I mumbled zipping my wallet closed. "Thanks again. I'll buy you coffee, or dinner."

I turned around walking toward Namjoon's car. The boys were all waiting for me as we squeezed into Namjoon's 5 seater. It was technically illegal, I was sitting on Jimin's lap in the back while Hoseok and Taehyung squeezed next to each other. Jungkook had the luxury of the front seat.

When we finally got to the house we rushed to get out of the cramped back seat stretching our backs out as we walked to the front door. When we got into the house Yoongi was sleeping on the couch while Jin was cleaning the kitchen. I took a seat on the long couch next to Yoongi and stretched out my body closing my eyes. I'd just rest them for a while.




"Don't wake her up."

"But the pizza is here. She's got to be hungry. I haven't seen her eat anything all day."

"Just poke her."

I opened my eyes to be met with Tae, Jimin, and Jin staring at me with soft smiles. If they didn't want to wake me up they should have thought about not practically yelling in my ear.

"Food?" I asked slowly getting up from the couch and walking toward the table. There were 4 large pizzas spread across the table, making my mouth water. Pizza is always good, no one can tell me otherwise.

I plopped down next to Namjoon resting my head against his shoulder. I ate pizza with my eyes closed, listening to their conversations about school and work. Jin worked at a cafe and he loved it. There were always interesting stories to tell, plus he got free coffee everyday. Yoongi worked in a recording studio. He didn't like it that much because the people he worked with were kind of assholes, but he stayed for the experience and access to high quality equipment. 

"Why don't you try out for something like Show Me The Money or an entertainment company?" I asked my eyes still closed.

"I don't need Show Me The Money. Fuck that show." Yoongi grumbled, I could see his pout in my mind. "There are auditions coming up for this one company. They are looking for producers so maybe I could start off as a producer then debut as a solo rapper." I could hear the excitement in his voice causing me to smile at his passion.

Epiphany - Namjoon auWhere stories live. Discover now