Chapter 32*

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This chapter is rated as NSFW.
I advice you not to miss it though ;)

[Naruto's POV]

"Hinata?" My voice broke.

So does my heart.

My fist turned into a ball and I see red just by looking at another man holding the woman I love.

The woman I fucking love.

I grab the back of his collar, tearing him off of Hinata and she yelped in pain when Shino tried to bite her lips, refusing to get away from her.

That's when I notice the tears that's flowing down Hinata's cheeks and how surprised and lost she looked at that moment.

"You think you'd get me by ruining us?" I said, towering over Shino who look away, avoiding my anger.

That's right, run away and put the blame on me for rescuing people you ran away from.

"I've had enough of your bullshits!" I held his neck, pushing him on the wall to strangle him.

He's better off living in hell.

Shino laughed at me even though the defeat is clear in his face. He tried pushing me but I only pin him further on the wall, making him cough in pain.

"You ran away and she found me instead." I told him, every anger pouring out from the years that I've been trying to understand this motherfucker. "She loved me when she knew I couldn't and that's not my fucking problem if she chose to kill herself!"

He pushed me off him and I stumble backwards when his fist landed on my cheeks.

"Naruto!" Hinata screamed, she finally found herself speaking again and I gesture for her not to approach me.

"You killed her! You killed her!" Shino said, he attempt to land a blow on me but I held his fist just in time before he hit my face.

"All I did was free her from you, you abusive,..." I stopped, squeezing his balled fist with my hands and he yelped in pain, "coward, and weak motherfucker!"

Shino tried to use his other free hand and I was quick to hit him before he could do it. He stumbled backwards and leans on the wall. Blood leaks from the side of his mouth and he laughed like a maniac, pointing his finger at me.

"Now you're going to kill me too?!" He said, veins coming out of his neck.

Just how much does he want to get hurt?

I looked at him dead in the eye and nod my head.

Yes, I wanted to kill the motherfucker a long time ago.

I've been holding up for far too long now he's unleashed the devil. He better be prepared for it.

I cracked my knuckles, aiming for another punch and my fist landed on his stomach. The satisfaction I felt as he gasp for air is incomparable.

Shino held his stomach in pain and I hold his hair, lifting his head up to make him look at me, "Look at me, watch me until you're no longer able to see shit."

He spat at me, holding me by the collar and push me as hard as he can, making me fall on my butt.

Shino threw a blow but it only landed on my shoulders and our fists collide the second time, aiming for each other's jaw.

I can hear Hinata's screaming though my heart is pounding furiously, I can't seem to see the logic in this and all I wanted to do is beat this man to pulp.

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