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SEOKJIN CHANGED his order nearly every time he came into the shop. Nouri had noticed this during her third or maybe fourth week of working at Cocobean, after taking note of the fact that he liked to visit the shop almost every weekday. Not so much on the weekends or the days where he didn't have school - unlike the other customer she had gotten used to. Namjoon; that's what his name was, right? He came in basically every day.

She wondered if their coffee was really that good. Obviously it must have been. Why else would he be in there every day?

"One matcha frappuchino with light whip on top for you, sir," she said in a chipper manner, setting a cup in front of Seokjin as he leaned against the counter. He smiled as he took a sip of the frozen green tea.

"This is delicious," he said, eyes widening as he took another drink. "You may have just helped me discover my official favorite drink at the Cocobean, Nouri. Maybe I'll just get this from now on."

"We both know you never order the same thing twice in a row, Seokjin," she replied with a laugh. "I'd be surprised to see that happen."

He laughed with her, leaning forward on his elbows. "What, does that bother you? Would you prefer it if I got the exact same thing every time I came in?"

She shook her head. "No. I like the unexpected - makes life more exciting."

As cliche as her comment probably was, it was the truth. The way her life currently passed was day after day a cycle of waking, working, sleeping and repeating. A simple thing like a customer ordering something different everyday brought the tiniest bit of variation to her copy and paste lifestyle.

Not to mention the fact that this particular customer was one of the most beautiful humans beings Nouri's eyes had ever been lucky enough to see.

She didn't know if it classified as having a 'crush' on someone when you were mostly just infatuated by their looks. Of course, Seokjin seemed to be a very nice person from the short, polite conversations that she had held with him. She wanted to get to know him more; her heart jumped and her stomach filled with nervous excitement whenever he entered the shop.

So maybe she did have a bit of a crush.

She suddenly heard a loud cough from behind her, causing her to jolt. She turned around, seeing the other customer present - Namjoon - coughing rather loudly. Immediately she felt bad. She had been acting as if he wasn't  even there, and had been flirting with Seokjin after rudely leaving her other customer in the middle of their conversation.

Her guilt switched over to immense concern as she noticed that Namjoon seemed to be choking. His coughs were strangled and violent. Nouri didn't know that it was possible to choke on coffee, but she was clearly mistaken.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" She quickly left the counter and ran towards him, Seokjin following close behind her, leaving the matcha frappe abandoned on the counter.

"Namjoon?" As soon as she said his name he began to cough even more violently. "Namjoon! What - what am I supposed to do?" She turned and looked at Seokjin helplessly. "This wasn't included in my job training!"

"I - I don't know for sure," Seokjin stammered, moving closer to Namjoon. "I think you're supposed to wrap your arms around him from behind and thrust - oh wow, that sounds really dirty - "

"Seokjin, focus please!" Nouri ran her hands through her hair and took a deep breath. "That method only works when there is something stuck in his throat."

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