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TRIGGER WARNING—This chapter contains brief mentions of physical abuse/violence.

NOURI COULDN'T bring herself to fall asleep in that white, intensely illuminated bedroom, no matter how much her body and mind begged for rest.

She didn't know how much time had passed since the encounter with her abductor, but it felt like hours. He had snatched her phone and rushed away, leaving Nouri utterly hopeless. Countless attempts were made at undoing the rope that bound her wrists, but to no avail. The cloth around her mouth cut painfully into the corners of her lips, her shoulders ached, her head throbbed as did the wound in her thigh.

Every so often, she thought she heard muffled voices coming from the other side of the wall to her right.

What if it was the rest of the girls? That meant they were alive. If they were, he probably planned on keeping her alive as well.

But if he didn't plan on killing them, what exactly was he doing?

Not even have an inkling of an idea as to what he had in store was the scariest part, Nouri decided. Before meeting him, she had prepared herself for the worst. Violent treatment, insulting words, pain, torture, death.

And yet, her first impression of him was nothing like that.

She heard the click of the lock once again and her heart skipped, shoulders tensing. He was back.

When he stepped into the room this time, he was calmer than the last time she had seen him. His hair was damp and his eyes were void. Softly, he let the door shut behind him.

"I'm back. Sorry for leaving so suddenly."

She couldn't do anything but blink in response. His demeanor was confusing—the opposite of everything she'd ever expected a serial kidnapper to be. He was timid and quiet, acting as if he were just as afraid of her as she was of him.

But clearly, he was capable of so much more.

Nouri knew she needed to tread lightly and not let her guard down. One false move, and she could be gone.

Out like a light.

He had a folding chair under his arm, which he then opened up and set on the ground, directly across from her. He lowered himself into the seat and stared at her with calculating eyes.

He leaned forward, raising his hand toward her face. She felt her pulse quicken, but she didn't flinch.

"I'm going to take this off of your mouth," he said softly. "Please, don't scream. Nobody will hear you anyways."

She was frozen for a moment, but slowly nodded her head. He reached forward, putting both his hands behind her head. The ice cold skin of his wrists made the slightest contact with her neck. Goosebumps erupted across her from the touch, and she had to make a physical effort to not shiver.

A nearly silent sigh of relief slipped from her lips as the cloth fell from her face. It felt nice to finally breathe freely once more, but the relief was soured, considering the circumstances. He leaned back, eyes searching hers as he did so.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Lin Nouri."

Her stomach dropped.

How did he know her name?

She swallowed, mulling over her choices of a response, finally settling on, "I don't know what to call you." Her voice was much hoarser than she expected it to be.

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