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"FEAR HAS BEEN known to cause motivation in different ways. Take work, for example. Perhaps you go to your job and complete your obligations because you enjoy it. One could argue, however, that you work purely for the purpose of earning money; you are afraid of not being able to meet your needs."

Namjoon listened intently to his professor's words. Although he felt as if this were the third time his professor had gone over the concept of fear that semester, Namjoon figured there was always something new to learn.

Also, class time did in fact pass by more quickly if he at least attempted to pay attention, in his opinion.

"What we can garner from this example," the professor continued, "Is that in almost any given situation, fear could be the possible spark of motivation that causes an action, even in the simplest of cases: the clothes we wear, the words we speak, the posture we hold. Fear, though often swept under the rug, is quite possibly always there – lurking behind each and every choice we make."

After a glance at the clock, the professor dismissed the class. Namjoon was quick to gather up his things and push them into his messenger bag before rushing outside. He was due to meet Nouri at the library in ten minutes, and he didn't want to be late. It had been nearly three days since he had last seen her.

Three days since he kissed her.

He thought about what the professor had said about fear and motivation, and the possible connection. On the surface, he could say or assume that he had pushed off meeting with Nouri for a couple of days because he was busy with studying.

Beneath that, however, the truth could have been that he was terrified. Not just because of the kiss, although the memory (however blissful the moment may have been) did indeed cause him to break into a cold sweat.

No – his even greater fear was of the blossoming feelings he had for Nouri that only seemed to grow by the second.

His phone began to ring, and he answered it. "Hello?"

"Namjoon? It's Nouri."

"Oh, hey. What's up?" He was surprised by the casual tone he kept in his voice.

"Do you think we could meet up at my apartment instead of the library?"

"Sure. Why though, is something wrong?"

A long sigh came from the speaker. "Nothing really – I think I may have a bit of a cold. Don't worry though!" She added quickly. "I don't think it's contagious or anything."

"Oh, are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine! But I do have an idea I think we should go over regarding the case." She sneezed loudly, causing Namjoon to hold his phone farther away from his ear.

"Sorry," she apologized. "Anyways, do you remember where I live?"

"Sort of? I'm not sure – you may want to text me your address just to be safe."

"Got it. I'll see you soon, then?"

"Yeah. Take it easy though, Nouri. Don't do too much when you're sick."

"I'm fine, I promise. But thanks, Joonie. See ya in a bit."

Namjoon coughed, his face warm as Nouri ended the call.

Joonie? Since when was he Joonie? Were they already on a nickname basis? He rubbed his thumb across his lower lip as he walked slowly for a moment, replaying the sound of her calling him by the nickname a couple times over in his mind.

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